Islam and Development

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Islam and Development

Post by mira1000 »

YAM to everyone!

I am to write my MA degree thesis on the topic of "Islam in development" whereas I am planning to do a case study of AKDN - a non denominational development network operating on the Islamic/Ismaili values.

I was just currious to hear thoughts on the issue and would appreciate some leads as to where I could find a "valid" literature on Islamic/Ismaili notion of "help" (would Institute of Ismaili Studies be a good choice to refer to with this request?)?; faith-based development organizations.

Hope to see some replies,

Thanx in advance
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Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2003 3:01 pm

Post by kmaherali »

I would suggest you read all speaches and interviews of MHI, Prince Sadruddin and Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah. They cover all the key aspects on Islam and development such as the dynamism in Islam, concept of man and his potential, his relationship to the environment, the enabling environment, concept of charity, the role of civil society institutions, pluralism and the recognition of diversity, the role of technology and media etc.
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