This section is to identify which Ginans and verses talk of the prophets mentioned in the Bible and in the Quran. Bible includes the ancient and the new testament as well as all the Gospels "authorised or not" by the church
For example Eji Alaah ek khasam sabukaa of Pir Sadardin/Hassan Kabirdin quote the following
Eji Nabi Mahamad bujo bhaai,
Aadam sujidaa liyaa;
pahelaa naam Ibhraahim bhannaayaa
Names of biblical and Quranic Prophets in the Ginans
In the book "Quran & Ginan" by Alwaez kamaluddin and Alwaeza Zarina Kamaluddin, Prophets in Ginans are mentioned from page 32 to 52.
You can read the book here: ... 8223438285
You can read the book here: ... 8223438285