Ya Ali Madad.
As observed that Faith and Intellect is like two different side of a same coin.
I have set of three questions based on one's common sense. Your answer are your level of faith in ALI+lah= Allah.
1.If humanity or a group of humans are to be led.Should it be led by a animal or outer space alien or block of stone,Dead person or a LIVING human being?
2.If Ali+lah= Allah have sent prophets at different time to lead and guide people at that phase of time.
We these prophets human beings or indifferent species or object?
3.If God can have prophets as human being.Can he not himself
Appear as Human being to lead and guide?
4.There is an Ayat 92:12.
in which Ali+lah= Allah.says
Are these words of God true or lies.?
I wish answers from fallen down members?
Quran is a noble search a test of God on human beings and not of human beings of test of God.