When I die -- Rumi

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When I die -- Rumi

Post by layla »

"When I Die"

When I die
when my coffin
is being taken out
you must never think
I am missing this world

don't shed any tears
don't lament or
feel sorry
I'm not falling
into a monster's abyss

when you see
my corpse is being carried
don't cry for my leaving
I'm not leaving
I'm arriving at eternal Love

when you leave me in the grave
don't say goodbye
remember a grave is
only a curtain
for the paradise behind

you'll only see me
descending into a grave
now watch me rise
how can there be an end
when the sun sets or
the moon goes down

it looks like the end
it seems like a sunset
but in reality it is a dawn
when the grave locks you up
that is when your soul is freed

Have you ever seen
a seed fallen to earth
not rise with a new life
why should you doubt the
rise of a seed named human

have you ever seen
a bucket lowered into a well
coming back empty
why lament for a soul
when it can come back
like Joseph from the well

when for the last time
you close your mouth
your words and soul
will belong to the world of
no place
no time


Re: When I die -- Rumi

Post by Guest »

layla wrote:"When I Die" <BR><BR><BR>When I die<BR>when my coffin<BR>is being taken out<BR>you must never think<BR>I am missing this world<BR><BR>don't shed any tears<BR>don't lament or<BR>feel sorry<BR>I'm not falling <BR>into a monster's abyss<BR><BR>when you see<BR>my corpse is being carried<BR>don't cry for my leaving<BR>I'm not leaving<BR>I'm arriving at eternal Love<BR><BR>when you leave me in the grave<BR>don't say goodbye<BR>remember a grave is<BR>only a curtain<BR>for the paradise behind<BR><BR>you'll o&shy;nly see me<BR>descending into a grave<BR>now watch me rise<BR>how can there be an end<BR>when the sun sets or<BR>the moon goes down<BR><BR>it looks like the end<BR>it seems like a sunset<BR>but in reality it is a dawn<BR>when the grave locks you up<BR>that is when your soul is freed<BR><BR>Have you ever seen<BR>a seed fallen to earth<BR>not rise with a new life<BR>why should you doubt the<BR>rise of a seed named human<BR><BR>have you ever seen<BR>a bucket lowered into a well<BR>coming back empty<BR>why lament for a soul<BR>when it can come back<BR>like Joseph from the well<BR><BR>when for the last time<BR>you close your mouth<BR>your words and soul<BR>will belong to the world of<BR>no place<BR>no time<BR><BR>RUMI
<BR>Frist of all Yaa Ali Madad. second of all, I have less knowledge and i need your help my lords. <BR>In this particular poem Moulana Rumi mentioned about "the world of no place and no time" . <BR>If iam right, i think he is talking about the world of thoughts or dream. I&nbsp;was thinking about it for awhile then i could not find a world as such. so please tell me what do you think. i will never forget your kindness. <BR>thanks
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