HELP NEEDED FROM kmaherali or anyone...

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HELP NEEDED FROM kmaherali or anyone...

Post by kcshamu »

I am looking for farmans by MSMS o&shy;n health...'behr e rehmat'?&nbsp; <BR><BR>I have looked for them in our jk libraries but to no avail.&nbsp; <BR><BR>can anyone help?<BR><BR>Thank you.
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Post by kmaherali »

The following are messages from Precious Pearls which are worthy of reflection.

No. 106 (Message to Ismailia Scout Association Karachi, 28-1-1955)
."You must all remember the importance of a healthy soul and a healthy body. The healthy soul comes by constant realization of beauty to the Supreme Being. Your constant duty is the development of a healthy body which is the temple of God. The care of the body is incumbent upon Muslims and the necessary ablutions and washings that Islam encourages are part of that as well as regular physical exercise."

No. 107 (Evian Conference, July 1952)
"There is much use of motor cars but use it for business and try to walk so that your health improves."

No. 108(Bombay, 7-1-1951)

"Now I turn to a second very important subject, in some ways perhaps more important than education. As you all know very well, we are Muslims of Imami Ismaili sect and both in Islam and generally amongst Ismailis, it is the faith and belief that the only true Musjid — Mosque or Temple of God, is the human body in which the soul lives through its earthly period of discipline, joy, difficulties and sorrows. This body must be carefully looked after. Some illnesses and diseases are quite natural and are trials through which we must all pass. But unfortunately amongst us, I find that for one such natural illness or indisposition there are five or ten due to faulty nourishment and unscientific hygiene.
"I constantly see, not only amongst the poor members of the community, but also amongst the well-to-do, cases of obvious malnutrition leading to general debility and exposing the unfortunate victim to all kinds of passing diseases. Some 90 per cent of the ill health I see amongst you is obviously due to malnutrition and wrong and foolish feeding between infancy and puberty.
"The food of the grown ups also is fundamentally based on custom and prejudice and not on values. In Africa I had to fight this battle all over and constantly again and again have had to call my children to the importance of proper nourishment.
"Here really, now the time has come when the well-wishers of the community must make a real and serious attempt to educate the Ismailis of India as to the right and wrong methods of cooking and the quality of nourishment."

No. 109 (Talika, Mubarak to City Council Karachi, 18-11-1935)
"I find that far too many people die at an unreasonable age; they die far too young with heart attacks and blood pressure and some seem to have reached old age at 65. In hot climates you must not eat too much salt, too much mirchee and too much ghee; probably this.,(also through blood pressure), is the cause of unnecessary early death. I really think
that a serious attempt should be made of propaganda for proper food; it is the greatest need for smailis of Karachi and both Pakistans'".

No. 110 (Message to Ismailia Association Pakistan, 19-5-1955)
"I hear there is a lot of prejudice against eating beef — it is perfectly all right for Moslems to eat beef.
'There are many anaemic children and grown ups; you should advice them to eat, at least once a week, a little calf's liver, not overcooked."

No. 111(Karachi, 11-2-1954)
(Care in Childhood) "You must remember that a lot 'of misfortunes and unhappiness is done to a population by ill health and illness. The best way to attack illness and bad health is proper precautions, especially in childhood and the early years of life when a strong foundation can be built up, a physical resistance to illness which will save you in later life from the great many of the misfortunes and bad health."

No. 112
"Children should get food which is meant for children. A great deal of the illness amongst Ismaili grown-ups that I see and read of, is due to wrong food in childhood:"
" * *
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