How former christian can be an ismaili

Discussion on R&R from all regions
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Post by Valery »

Don't consider my questions as a mirror of my religion view. I ask them with the purpose to find true way. Ismailies I guess it will be my own choice. I understood that ismailes have no namaz o­n muslim manner, but o­nly du'a.But dothey practice such thing as khutba.
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Post by Admin »

Valery wrote:Don't consider my questions as a mirror of my religion view. I ask them with the purpose to find true way. Ismailies I guess it will be my own choice. I understood that ismailes have no namaz o­n muslim manner, but o­nly du'a.But dothey practice such thing as khutba.
Dear Valery,

You may not know but Roxy and Altaf_Rupani are the same posting under different names. I have had difficulty explaining this person that if he does not know the answers to a topic he should not deviate the debate and absolutely try to have the last word. I guess some people would just not understand. He may be a decent person but there are rules of respect for other people's opinion that he does not agree with.

If you see most of the Forums here, discussions stop with posting of one of these aliases because people get fed-up of reading the same things under all the subject headings.

I will take mesure to keep this thread clean so that you can continue asking your questions that I have found legitimate and interesting. I am sure in due time your quest will lead you to the Truth which you are seeking honestly.

Best wishes,

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Post by altaf_rupani »

the id altaf_rupani banned from posting
Last edited by altaf_rupani on Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 16
Joined: Wed Jul 02, 2003 1:42 am

Post by Valery »

Ya ali madad.

As khutba I meant sermon, or preach. Yes, it didn't mention in Quran. But mission or dawat it is necesssary part of our faith, not only of rituals. By the way -word da'i (muslim missionary) has an ismaili origin. May be ismaili religion teaching has some other forms then hutba
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Post by altaf_rupani »

the id altaf_rupani banned from posting
Last edited by altaf_rupani on Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 6830
Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2003 10:37 am

Post by Admin »

Valery wrote:Ya ali madad.

As khutba I meant sermon, or preach. Yes, it didn't mention in Quran. But mission or dawat it is necesssary part of our faith, not only of rituals. By the way -word da'i (muslim missionary) has an ismaili origin. May be ismaili religion teaching has some other forms then hutba
Dear Valery,

In our faith, when a Missionary explains the faith to other ismailis, it is called a WAEZ and it is like the Khutbah

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Ismailism is Batuni

Post by shamsu »

Ya Aly Madad Valery,

I appreciate your interest in learning more about the Ismaili Tariqa.

What I notice is that your questions concern Sharia.

Ismailism is a Tariqa which is based upon the following of the Intellect of the Imam of the Time. Which means following the Instructions of the Murshid, the Imam.

Imam has used terms like Batuni (hidden), Ruhani (spiritual) and Esoteric (The meaning is revealed only to the initiated) to describe our TARIQA.

In Pir Pandiyate Jawan Mardi Imam Mustansirbillah teaches us

Shariat is the way.
Tariqat is the light which lights the way.
Haqiqat is the destination.

If we argue shariati rituals in a Batuni Tariqa like Ismailism it is like arguing that apples and oranges are not fruit because they are not exactly alike.

The idea is to take that light of Ismaili Tariqa (The words of the Imam)
and use it to light our way to our destination "Assal Makan" our Original Abode.

Use it to help us while we walk that straight path (Siratal Mustakeem) to our origin.

It is very important to have this whole picture in mind when looking at Ismailism.

In a spiritual Tariqa which Ismailism is, The physical is seen as a prison. Our goal is to transcend this prison in the light of understanding that the Words of the Imam, who is our Guide, give us to progress uninterrupted to our original abode.

When you find this light then no questions remain according to our Imam Shah Karim Al-Husayni Aga Khan IV
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