Guzinam Quran Ast-u Din-e Muhammad

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Guzinam Quran Ast-u Din-e Muhammad

Post by kmaherali »

verses: 16

The translation is taken from the 40 Poems of the Divan

Guzinam Quran Ast-u Din-e Muhammad
Hamin Bud Azira Guzin-e Muhammad

I choose the Quran and the Faith of Muhammad
for those where the choices of Muhammad himself;

Yaqinam Ke Gar Har Du Anra Biwarzam
Yaqinam Shawad Chun Yaqin-e Muhammad

I know if I practice the two
my Certainty will become as the Certitude of the Prophet.

Kalid-e Bihisht-u Dalil-e Na 'i-Mam
Hisar-e Hasin Ast Din-e Muhammad

My key to Paradise - my guide to Felicity the fortified Citadel:
what are they but the Religion of Muhammad:

Bafazl-e Khudaist Umidam Ke Basham
Yaki Ummat-e Kamtarin-e Muhammad

For us he is the Messenger of God - such
was the carving on the seal-ring of the Prophet.

Badarya-e Din Andarun Ai Biradar
Quran Ast durr-e Samin-e Muhammad

Rooted in my heart: the Faith
and the Book as firmly as in the heart of Muhammad.

Dafini-u Ganji Buwad Har Shahi Ra
Quran Ast Ganj-u Dafin-e Muhammad

My brother, in the sea-depths of religion
the Quran is the pearl beyond price of the Prophet;
every king owns a treasure of Mohammad.

By God s Grace my hope, my prayer
is to be the least of servants in the Community of Muhammad.

Barin Ganj-e Gawhar Yeki Nik Bingar
Kera Bini Imruz Amin-e Mhuammad

Now look to these riches, this pearl:
who now is custodian of Muhammad s legacy?

Chu Ganj-u Dafinat Bafarzand Mandi
Bafarzand Mand An-u In-e Muhammad

You yourself would bequeath your wealth to your children;
just so are his children the guardians the heirs of the Prophet.

Na Bini Ke Ummat Hami Gawhar-e Din
Nayabad Magar Kaz Banin-e Muhammad

Ponder well: you Muslims will not find the jewels
but in keeping of Muhammad s progeny.

Muhammad Bedan Dad Ganj-u Dafinash
Ke Ou Bud Dar Khur Qarin-e Muhammad

Surely he handed all down to him who was
worthiest of all Companions of the Prophet.

Qarin-e Muhammad Ke Bud Anka Juftash
Na Budi Magar Hur-e Ain-e Muhammad

Who was he, the Companion? His Wife
was the delight of the eyeof Muhammad

Azin Hur-e Ain-u Qarin Gasht Paida
Husain-u Hasan Sin-u Shin-e Muhammad

and from this delight and this Companion
were born Hasan and Husayn, the darlings of Muhammad.

Husain-u Hasan Ra Shanasam Haqiqat
Badu Jahan Gul-u Yasmin-e Muhammad

I have seen in both worlds the reality
of Husayn and Hasan: the rose and jasmine of the Prophet;

Chunin Yasmin-u Gul Andar Du Alam
Kuja Rust Juz Dar Zamin-e Muhammad

where in heavcn and earth could such blossoms spring

but in the garden from the soil of Muhammad?

Nayaram guzidan Hami Mar Kasi Ra

Barin Har Du An Naznin-e Muhammad

I dare not I tremble lest I prefer any creature
above these beloved ones of God s Prophet.

Nayarm Guzidan Kasi Ra Bar Ishan
Ke Sharm Ayadam Az Jabin-e Muhammad

The Book, and the Sword of the Lion of God:
these are bulwarks beneath the firm Faith of Muhammad.
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