Discussion on ginan meanings, history etc..
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Post by faisall667 »

gurjee aavyaa saatmee raat ke, naache bahu ra(n)gere lol..........1

The Guide has arrived in the seventh night,
and dances to many colours (tunes, rhythms)!

What does the pir mean by the seventh night, and what does he mean by dancing to many colors?

tyaa(n) jakh navaannu(n) malshe saar ke, meghaa saarthee re lol...5

There ninety nine (crores) of "jakhs" will meet in a complete
manner and the "meghs" will be their companions

What are "meghs"?

After reading this ginan all the way, can we discuss the whole ginan?


gurjee aavyaa saatmee raat ke, naache bahu ra(n)gere lol..........1

The Guide has arrived in the seventh night,
and dances to many colours (tunes, rhythms)!

tyaa(n) sarave nagarnaa(n) malyaa lok ke, naache gur sa(n)gere lol2

There all the people of the city have gathered,
and are dancing in the company of the Guide!

gur shamse kathyaa geenaan ke, atee ghannaa bhaavtheere lol.......3

The Guide has expounded the "Geenaan",
with a great deal of love and affection!

ratan jugnaa karee veestaar ke, sunno sarave saarthee re lol......4

(In it) he has composed jewels of ages,
so listen o companions (of this dance)!

tyaa(n) jakh navaannu(n) malshe saar ke, meghaa saarthee re lol...5

There ninety nine (crores) of "jakhs" will meet in a complete
manner and the "meghs" will be their companions!

tyaa(n) keenar karodd batrees ke, malshe bhaavtheere lol..........6

There thirty two crores of "keenars" will meet with love and affection!

taare tetrees karodd muneevar dev, vadhaave gurne re lol..........7

At that moment thirty three crore spirits of true believers will glorify the Guide!

paa(n)ch karoddsu(n) raay pahelaaj ke, male sarave devnaa re lol..8

All the spirits will meet the King of the five crores (of the liberated spirits)!

taare hareecha(n)ddhr raay kare ardaas ke, jamaat aapnneere lol...9

At that time King Harishchandra will perform
supplications on behalf of his jamaats!

tyaa(n) nav karoddsu(n) paa(n)ddav dev ke
atee ra(n)g raachsere lol........................................10

There the nine crore spirits will accompany the
Pandvas and they will play with great colours!

peer sadardeen saathe mallshe saar ke, baar karoddeeyaare lol....11

The twelve crore liberated souls will meet
with Peer Sadardeen in a complete manner!

gur hasanshaah saathe anat karodd jenne ved pramaanneeyaa re lol.12

Countless crores will be with the Guide Hassan Shah,
they are the ones who have followed the scriptures!

tyaa(n) malshe sarave paygambar dev ke
savaa laakh saartheere lol.......................................13

There all the spirits of the prophets will meet.
They will be one hundred twenty five thousand in their entirety!

tyaa(n) haajar sarave husenee dev ke, vutthaa nur thakeere lol...14

There all the spirits of the Huseinis will be present, through the shinning light!

ratan jugnaa sunnee veestaar ke, sahu acharat thayaare lol.......15

Having heard about the composition of the jewels of ages,
everyone is amazed!

pann na jaanne khel gurjeenaa thaay ke
sahu gafalate mohee rahyaa.......................................16

But those who do not comprehend the mysteries of the Guide
which are performed, are indeed disillusioned in ignorance!

garbeeye vartyo jejekaar ke, ochhav ma(n)galaare lol.............17

In the dance are put into action, the (cosmic) celebrations,
and auspicious songs are sung with pleasure!

em saaree raat thayo aana(n)d ke, savaare sahu gayaare lol.......18

In this manner the entire night was filled with joy and bliss,
and everyone left in the morning!

tenee charchaa atee nagarmaa(n) thaay ke, sahu jan dekhvaare lol.19

It is talked about a great deal all over the city,
and everyone is made aware of it's glory!

em bolyaa gur shams peer ke, khel rachaaveeyaa re lol............20

In this manner the Guide Peer Shams has spoken,
and has established (Divine) mysteries and plays!

Thank you
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Post by kmaherali »

faisall667 wrote:gurjee aavyaa saatmee raat ke, naache bahu ra(n)gere lol..........1

The Guide has arrived in the seventh night,
and dances to many colours (tunes, rhythms)!

What does the pir mean by the seventh night, and what does he mean by dancing to many colors?
During his many travels, Pir Shamsh arrived at a village called Analvad. His visit to this village coincided with a Hindu festival of navratri which is held during the first nine days of Asvin ( the last month of Hindu calender). It was during this festival that Pir Shamsh composed his garbis which are songs recited during the dances garbas ( perfomed around idols during the festival). The seventh day is the seventh day of this festival. In the garbis the Pir exhorts the people to abandon idol worshipping and to follow the avataar. Many colors means expressing his happiness in many ways.
faisall667 wrote: tyaa(n) jakh navaannu(n) malshe saar ke, meghaa saarthee re lol...5

There ninety nine (crores) of "jakhs" will meet in a complete
manner and the "meghs" will be their companions

What are "meghs"?
According to Ginanic tradition, the creation evolved through ages of three Karans, four Kalaps and four Yugas. During the first Kalap (Jayla) 99 crores of Jakhs attained salvation. During the second Kalap (Fayla) 56 crores of Megh-mala attained salvation. During the third Kalap (Arza) 32 crores of Kinars attained salvation. During the fouth Kalap (khalipha comprising of four Yugas) 33 crores of Devta attained salvation.

Jakhs, Meghs, Kinars and Devtas are names of souls liberated during different periods.

The theme of this Garbi is about the auspicious gathering of all the liberated souls of all ages. That through the practice of his teachings the momins will attain paradise wherein they will enjoy the company of all the liberated souls through ages.
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