General DIDAR texts and poems etc...

Activities of the Imam and the Noorani family.
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Post by kmaherali »

As we prepare for the Deedar, I think it would be appropriate to reflect upon the significance of the Zaheri Deedar through examples in various traditions.

The relationship between a Mureed and the Imam is the foundation upon which our Tariqah is based. The climax of the relationship occurs when the Imam bestows the ultimate gift of His Vision (Deedar) upon His Mureed when he is prepared for it. It may or may not happen in the physical presence of the Imam. When it occurs the Mureed attains the recognition of the essential nature of the Imam as divinity par excellence.

According to the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna (the Imam) granted Arjuna (the devoted disciple) His Vision in his physical presence at a time when he needed strength and inspiration to carry on with the battle . This event is related in the much celebrated Chapter 11 as the vision of visions and is considered to be the peak or the heart of the Gita. In the process he also demonstrated his dual nature; his human form on the one hand and his divine aspect on the other. The following is Juan Muscaro's translation of the Chapter taken from Bhagavad Gita of Penguin Books.

Arjuna pleads for the Deedar to Lord Krishna:

1. In thy mercy thou hast told me the secret supreme of thy Spirit, and thy words have dispelled my delusion.

2. I have heard in full from thee of the coming and going of beings, and also of thy infinite greatness.

3. I have heard thy words of truth, but my soul is yearning to see: to see thy form as God of this all.

4. If thou thinkest, O my Lord, that it can be seen by me, show me, O god of Yoga, the glory of thine own Supreme being.

Lord Krishna responds:

5. By hundreds and then by thousands, behold, Arjuna, my manifold celestial forms of innumerable shapes and colours.

6. Behold the gods of the sun, and those of fire and light; the gods of storm and lightning, and the two luminous charioteers of heaven. behold, descendant of Bharata, marvels never seen before.

7. See now the whole universe with all things that move and move not, and whatever thy soul may yearn to see. See it all as one in me.

8. But thou never canst see me with these thy mortal eyes: I will give thee divine sight (Deedar). Behold my wonder and glory.

Sanjaya ( the observer) describes the experience:

9. When Krishna, the God of Yoga, had thus spoken. O king, he appeared then to Arjuna in his supreme divine form.

10. And Arjuna saw in that form countless visions of wonder: eyes from innumerable faces, numerous celestial ornaments, numberless heavenly weapons;

11. Celestial garlands and vestures, forms anointed with heavenly perfumes. The Infinite Divinity was facing all sides, all marvels in him containing.

12. If the light of a thousand suns suddenly arose in the sky, that splendor might be compared to the radiance of the Supreme Spirit.

13. And Arjuna saw in that radiance the whole universe in its variety, standing in a vast unity in the body of the God of gods.

14. Trembling with awe and wonder, Arjuna bowed his head, and joining his hands in adoration he thus spoke to his God.

Arjuna responds to the Deedar

15. I see in thee all the gods, O my God; and the infinity of the beings of thy creation. I see god Brahma on his throne of lotus, and all the seers and serpents of light.

16. All around I behold thy Infinity: the power of thy innumerable arms, the visions from thy innumerable eyes, the words from thy innumerable eyes, the words from thy innumerable mouths, and the fire of life of thy innumerable bodies. Nowhere I see a beginning or middle or end of thee, O God of all, Form Infinite!

17. I see the splendor of an infinite beauty which illumines the whole universe. It is thee! with thy crown and scepter and circle. How difficult thou art to see! But I see thee: as fire, as the sun, blinding, incomprehensible.

18. Thou art the Imperishable, the highest End of knowledge, the support of this vast universe. Thou, the everlasting ruler of the law of righteousness, the Spirit who is and who was at the beginning.

19. I see thee without beginning, middle, or end; I behold thy infinite power, the power of thy innumerable arms. I see thine eyes as the sun and the moon. And I see thy face as a sacred fire that gives light and life to the whole universe in the splendor of a vast offering.

20. Heaven and earth and all the infinite spaces are filled with thy Spirit; and before the wonder of thy fearful majesty the three worlds tremble.

21. The hosts of the gods come to thee and, joining palms in awe and wonder, they praise and adore. Sages and saints come to thee, and praise thee with songs of glory.

22. The Rudras of destruction, the vasus of fire, the Sadhyas of prayers, the Adityas of the sun; the lesser gods VisveDevas, the two Asvins charioteers of heaven, the Maruts of winds and storms, the Ushmapas spirits of ancestors; the celestial choirs of Gandharvas, the Yakshas keepers of wealth, the demons of hell and the Siddhas who on earth reached perfection: they all behold thee with awe and wonder.

23. But the worlds also behold thy fearful mighty form, with many colours, with wide open mouths, with vast flaming eyes, frightening with terrible teeth: they tremble in fear, and I also tremble.

24. When I see thy vast form, reaching the sky, burning with many colours, with wide open mouths, with vast flaming eyes, my heart shakes in terror: my power is gone and gone is my peace, O Vishnu!

25. Like the fire at the end of Time which burns all in the last day, I see thy vast mouths and thy terrible teeth. Where am I? Where is my shelter? Have mercy on me, God of gods, Refuge Supreme of the world!

26/27. The sons of Dhrita-rashtra, all of them, with other princes of this earth, and Bhishma and Drona and great Karna, and also the greatest warriors of our host, all enter rushing into thy mouths, terror-inspiring with their fearful fangs. Some are caught between them, and their heads crushed into powder.

28. As roaring torrents of waters rush forward into the ocean, so do these heroes of our mortal world rush into thy flaming mouths.

29. and as moths swiftly rushing enter a burning flame and die, so all these men rush to thy fire, rush fast to their own destruction.

30. The flames of thy mouths devour all the worlds. Thy glory fills the whole universe. But how terrible thy splendors burn!

31. Reveal thyself to me! Who art thou in this form of terror? I adore thee, O god supreme: be gracious unto me. I yearn to know thee, who art from the beginning: for I understand not thy mysterious works.

Krishna responds:

32. I am all-powerful Time which destroys all things, and I have come here to slay these men. Even if thou dost not fight, all the warriors facing thee shall die.

33. Arise therefore! Win thy glory, conquer thine enemies, and enjoy thy kingdom. Through the fate of their karma I have doomed them to die: be thou merely the means of my work.

34. Drona, Bhishma, Jayad-ratha and Karna, and other heroic warriors of this great war have already been slain by me: tremble not, fight and slay them. Thou shalt conquer thine enemies in battle.


35. When Arjuna heard the words of Krishna he folded his hands trembling; and with a faltering voice, and bowing in adoration, he spoke.


36. It is right, O God, that peoples sing thy praises, and that they are glad and rejoice in thee. All evil spirits fly away in fear; but the hosts of the saints bow down before thee.

37. How could they not bow down in love and adoration, before thee, God of gods, Spirit Supreme? Thou creator of Brahma, the god of creation, thou infinite, eternal, refuge of the world! Thou who art all that is, and all that is not, and all that is Beyond.

38. Thou God from the beginning, God in man since man was. Thou Treasure supreme of this vast universe. Thou the One to be known and the Knower, the final resting place. Thou infinite presence in whom all things are.

39. God of the winds and waters, of fire and death! Lord of the solitary moon, the Creator, the Ancestor of all! Adoration unto thee, a thousand adorations; and again and again unto thee adoration.

40. Adoration unto thee who art before me and behind me: adoration unto thee who art on all sides, God of all. All-powerful God of immeasurable might. Thou art the consummation of all: thou art all.

41. If in careless presumption, or even in friendliness, I said 'Krishna! Son of Yadu! My friend!', this I did unconscious of thy greatness.

42. And if in irreverence I was disrespectful - when alone or with others - and made a jest of thee at games, or resting, or at a feast, forgive me in thy mercy, O thou Immeasurable!

43. Father of all. Master supreme. Power supreme in all the worlds. Who is like thee? Who is beyond thee?

44. I bow before thee, I prostrate in adoration; and I beg thy grace, O glorious Lord! As a father to his son, as a friend to his friend, as a lover to his beloved, be gracious unto me, O God.

45. In a vision I have seen what no man has seen before: I rejoice in exultation, and yet my heart trembles with fear. Have mercy upon me, Lord of gods, Refuge of the whole universe: show me again thine own human form.

46. I yearn to see thee again with thy crown and scepter and circle. Show thyself to me again in thine own four-armed form, thou of arms infinite, Infinite Form.


47. By my grace and my wondrous power I have shown to thee, Arjuna, this form supreme made of light, which is Infinite, the All: mine own form from the beginning, never seen by man before.

48. Neither vedas, nor sacrifices, nor studies, nor benefactions, nor rituals, nor fearful austerities can give the vision of my Form Supreme. Thou alone hast seen this Form, thou the greatest of the Kurus.

49. Thou hast seen the tremendous form of my greatness, but fear not, and be not bewildered. Free from fear and with a glad heart see my friendly form again.


50. Thus spoke Vasudeva to Arjuna, and revealed himself in his human form. The God of all gave peace to his fears and showed himself in his peaceful beauty.


51. When I see thy gentle human face, Krishna, I return to my own nature, and my heart has peace.


52. Thou hast seen now face to face my form divine so hard to see: for even the gods in heaven ever long to see what thou hast seen.

53. Not by the Vedas, or an austere life, or gifts to the poor, or ritual offerings can I be seen as thou hast seen me.

54. Only by love can men see me, and know me, and come unto me.

55. He who works for me, who loves me, whose End Supreme I am, free from attachment to all things, and with love for all creation, he in truth comes unto me.
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Post by tasbiha »

Really excellent post, thank you.

"'Krishna! Son of Yadu!"

Who is Yadu? Allah?
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Post by kmaherali »

tasbiha wrote:Really excellent post, thank you.

"'Krishna! Son of Yadu!"

Who is Yadu? Allah?
Thank you! Yadu was the physical father of Krishna. Sometimes murids confuse the identity of the Imam when they are close to him physically. Accidentally they might think of him in a physical sense. That's why Arjuna is is asking for the Lord's forgiveness when he regarded or thought of him as the son of Yadu.
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Post by kmaherali »

From: "AAAbdulla" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Batunimurid] DEEDAR
Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 03:19:49 -0000
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 10:33:24 -0700

Didar means to allow your soul to meet or see the Imam Soul.The Imam is the manifestation of Allah, i.e. he has 100% knowledge of material and spiritual matters. He knows the past, present and future of everything. The Imam's role is to guide those people who give Him the baiyat ( promise) on their spiritual path.

The introduction of Allah, to do prayers, fast , charity - which are the physical or shariati aspect of the faith was taught by the Prophets.

The Imams were appointed to teach the Batin aspect of the faith. That is the reason we, Ismailis are also called Batinis as we follow a leader who guides us spiritually. Man is ever sinning, this blocks the Light of Allah. The Spiritual light is constantly flowing into every being. This light is the breath of Allah - it is what make a Man alive. This flow of Light is stored by the soul in the body. The soul then lets the light flows through a body with which it sustains it, - it gives movement, makes blood and its flow round the body, it practically does all the functions in the body. The soul is the power house of this Light of Allah. When there is no blockage of Light to the soul, i.e. the sins are to the minimum, religious duty is performed with reverence and there is no ill will against anyone, the flow of Light is so powerful that the soul is empowered and has the clarity of the Noor of Allah.

When we sin, i.e. we create negativity, we block this light which is flowing into us. The soul receives less light and its power decreases. Blocking of the light is analogous to the block of blood in the body which causes dysfunction of the body for example like a clot, which causes dysfunction of the body.

E.g.2 - When we eat too much or we forget to eat, we tend to upset the stomach and have pain and discomfort. When we sin or forget to do our obligatories, we do the same, we upset the soul and cause block of light. The soul gets less light and its power decreases.
When we get Didar i.e. when we see the Imam who at that time is giving out intense rays of pure Light which at the right time and with the consent of Allah can clear the blockage of sins around the soul. Didar clears the passage of Light to the soul and increases its power and makes it ENlightened. As the Imam is our spiritual father and mother, he feels love for his spiritual children who have their sins accumulated that he gives out his pure Light to break down our sins. The Imam is Rahman and Rahim and thus wants everyone to benefit from his presence. Any person receiving the Didar benifits from this clearing of sins consciously or unconsciously..

This is the reason a person gets emotional when s/he sees the Imam as his soul becomes cleaner. The perception increases and the person feels the Noor of the Imam even if he is not aware of it.

Remember! the sins committed against other people are not forgiven unless you ask forgiveness from that person. When a person is going for the Didar s/he should clear the sins committed against their fellow being. Start by remembering those major sins which you have committed against anyone and then go and clear it out with that person. You may find it difficult but it is worth it if you are going for the Didar. Cleared negativity from the soul makes it open to receive the Light of Allah.

A person benefits the highest if he is aware of what he is suppose to do when receiving the Didar. The following conditions are kept for the Didar to be perfect:-
· You have to be aware that it is your negativity or sins that has blocked the soul.
· You have to acknowledge your sins and ask forgiveness of them.
· Thank Him for giving us a chance of His presence which can at that time remove the blockage of sins.
· Reaffirm our baiyat and promise to obey His farmans. The power of Didar is varying in each individual.
· In the very pious ones - who are regular in their religious duties, who ask forgiveness of their sins, who think/feel/speak of no-one any ill, who understand the karma law and who believe in the Hereafter are the ones who will clear the blockage very fast and may also inshallah get the Noor of Allah.
· Less pious ones - who do the religious duties but not very regularly, who ask forgiveness of sins but same time increase them again, who like to gossip occasionally, who believe in the Hereafter but are not very serious that it will affect them, are the ones who when they get didar will increase their faith in the Imam and may be will move to the pious range.
· Not pious ones - who do not go to Jamatkhana and who do not have strong faith in the Imam, who occasionally say their prayers, are the ones when they receive the didar will slowly start to understand the faith.

One is going to ask then what about BANDAGI ???? Bandagi is the normal process of cleansing the soul. Bandagi or the concentration into the inner self is like trying to clear the passage to the soul and increase its power by the name of the BOL. Bol is a charged word given by the Imam to the murid who is willing to enrich his soul further than the normal rate. Regular practice of Badagi can give very high status. Didar of the Imam is a boost to the bandagi.

After the Didar if the person returns to his old practice of increasing sins, then the effect of the Didar is nullified - no benefit from the Didar. Make sure you say the SALWAAT before, during and after the DIDAR. Salwaat has the power to keep the NUR steady and sharp within us to remove sins from our HEART. Salwaat is like a laser beam which clears out the blockage in us. May Allah bless us with the HOLY DIDAR.
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Post by Admin »

Received from an anonymous reader:

I would like to suggest that members of the Jamat read Qadi Nauman's
"Code of Conduct For the Followers of The Imam" in preparation for Deedar.

Also these two are classics:

0720. On the Recognition of the Imam or `Fasl dar Bayan-i Shinakht i Imam'. Ismaili Society Series B, II. Bombay: Thacher, 1947. see:


0908. "The Philosophical Significance of the Imam in Ismailism," Studia Islamica XXVII (1967): 41-53.
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Post by kmaherali »

The following is the description (in his own words) of the first Deedar of Al Muayyad Shirazi, our famous Dai during the Fatimid era. He was a man of great learning and had served the cause of Imamat in various capacities. He had made several attempts at meeting the Imam, but all his endeavors were thwarted by the ministers and courtiers who would not allow him the audience unless he would succumb to their unacceptable ways. After many struggles, he finally managed to get the Holy audience, which gave him conviction of his beliefs. He subsequently became the chief Dai. He was responsible for imparting Ismaili knowledge and understanding to Nasr Khusraw who went on to become the head of Ismaili Dawa in Badakshan. What is interesting about this experience is that while Al Muayyad was awe struck, the rest of the audience felt nothing. This demonstrates that one has to be prepared physically, emotionally and intellectually to benefit from the Deedar.

"I was taken near the place wherefrom I saw the bright Light of the Prophethood. My eyes were dazzled by the Light. I shed tears of joy and felt as if I was looking at the face of the Prophet of Allah and of the Commander of the Faithful, Hazrat Ali. I prostrated myself before the one who is the fittest person to bow to. I wanted to say something, but 1 was awe-struck... I tried to speak but my tongue refused to move. People asked me to say what I wished to say. I could say nothing. The Imam said, 'Leave him. Let his fear and awe subside.' After this, I rose. I took the holy hand of the Imam, placed it on my eyes and on my chest and then kissed it. I left the place with immense joy."
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Post by kmaherali »

From: "AzimYVR" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
Subject: [ Ismaili Soul ] The Bearer of Light -EVERY ISMAILI MUST READ
Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 23:31:31 -0700

TeddyBear Azim
Greetings from Vancouver, BC, Canada!

Winner of International Poet of Merit Award, Washington, D.C. August

Yes, it is absolutely true,
The 'Bearer of the Light' is coming to Canada,
Grant 'didar' and 'Blessings of seven heavens.
Rahmanir-Rahim is coming, grace us with 'Mercy,
Ar-Raheman is coming, grace us with 'Barakat'.
Ar-Rahim is coming, grant us with abundance 'compassion'.
The most Beneficent and the most Merciful Lord is coming,

My Mowla is Great in virtue and Greatest in Forgiveness,
This is the reason He is my Mowla, the Lord of the Age.
He is Allah's Much Loved and Muhammad's Most Beloved.
He is Mowla Ali's the most Favorite and Fatima's 'dulaara'.

He is Ali 'agisni', He is Ali 'adarikani', He is 'Mushkil Kusha' Mowla
He is coming to rescue us and extend help to understand
The meaning of 'pluralism', brotherhood and unity.
He is 'Raheman', He is 'Rahim',
He is 'Sahebul-Zaman.He is 'Hayyul Kayyum,
He is Aliyyul Azim, He is Sahebul-Zamania,

He is coming to bestow His bounties upon His 'murids'.
The Maintainer and the Sustainer of the Worlds is coming.
The Conquer of 'Khyber' is coming, the Conquer of 'Momins 'dil'.

My Mowla is Great in virtue and Greatest in Forgiveness,
This is the reason He is my Mowla, the Lord of the Age.
He is Allah's Much Loved and Muhammad's Most Beloved.
He is Mowla Ali's beloved Son and Fatima's beloved 'laal'.

Restless we were, sleepless a few times, wakeful many times,
Worried we were some times; fearful a few times and anxious many times.
The hunger of 'didar' sent 'murids' desperately sad.
He knew it, because He is the Knower of everything,
His coming has stirred our 'iman' and unlighted our soul.
The Master of Islam is coming; the Master of Imamat is coming.

My Mowla is Great in virtue and Greatest in Forgiveness,
This is the reason He is my Mowla, the Lord of the Day of Judgment,
He is Allah's Much Loved and Muhammad's Most dearly loved.
He is Mowla Ali's the most Favorite and Fatima's 'dulaara'

Yes, it is true, our Mowla, our much-loved Lord is coming,
The most Beneficent and the most Merciful Lord is coming;
To pardon our shortcomings Mowla is coming,
To forgive and forget our past mistakes, the Lord is coming.
My Mowla has a pleasant name KARIM, the Compassionate.

My Mowla is Great in asset and Greatest in clemency,
This is the reason He is my Mowla, the Imam of the time,
He is Allah's Much Loved and Muhammad's Most Beloved.
He is Mowla Ali's the most Favorite and Fatima's 'dulaara'.

The Proof of God is coming to Grace 'didar',
The Face of God is coming, the Hands of God,
The Eyes of God is coming, the Ears of God.
The Command of God is coming, the Voice of God.

My Mowla is Great in good feature and Greatest in amnesty,
This is the reason He is my Mowla, the Hazar Imam,
He is Allah's Much Loved and Muhammad's Most Beloved.
He is Mowla Ali's the most Favorite and Fatima's 'dulaara'.

The light that gleams across the universe is His light,
The earth onto which we live is His earth,
The next world into which we shall go is His world.
The Master of the Throne of the Day of Judgment is coming.

My Mowla is Great in high merit and Greatest in absolution,
This is the reason He is my Mowla, the Mowla 'Mushkil Kusha',
He is Allah's Much Loved and Muhammad's Most Beloved.
He is Mowla Ali's the most Favorite and Fatima's 'dulaara'.

For His true 'murids' Mowla is coming to purify hearts,
The giver of good things to the world is coming to Canada.
To purify out hearts and souls and make our 'iman' strong is coming,
The Jamat in Canada is over flowing in the flood of joyous tears.

My Mowla is Great in good quality and Greatest in pardon,
This is the reason He is my Mowla, the Lord of the Age.
He is Allah's Much Loved and Muhammad's Most Beloved.
He is Mowla Ali's the most Favorite and Fatima's 'dulaara'.

The glorious banner of Islam is coming to glorify our life,
The light of Islam and the Pillar of Islam is coming to Canada,
The Pride of Islam and the Protector of Islam is coming to Canada,
The Defender of Islam and the Son of Islam is coming to Canada.

My Mowla is Great in virtue and Greatest in Forgiveness,
This is the reason He is my Mowla, the Lord of the Age.
He is Allah's Much Loved and Muhammad's Most Beloved.
He is Mowla Ali's the most Favorite and Fatima's 'dulaara'.
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Post by kmaherali »

As we continue to explore the significance and transforming effect of the Holy Deedar both in individual and societal perspectives, the following is an anecdote of an encounter between a non-Ismaili and Mowlana HazarImam. This very learned individual of Shia Ithna Asheri background, had a profound experience in the presence of MHI and as a result was convinced that he is indeed the descendant of Prophet Muhammad. In gratitude for the blessing of this experience and understanding, he wrote a book about MHI and in the preface he relates his encounter with Him as under.

(The Silent Prince of the World of Islam)
H. H. Prince Karim Agakhan IV
(A Literal Translation)


On the morning of 13th May, 1983, my eyes saw a sun rising from the peaks of the snow-clad and sky-scraping magnificient mountains of Gilgit, which generated such a power of heat in the body of my soul which had been frozen for years, which led me to the illumined boundaries of faith. These boundaries were not limited...they were unlimited. Perhaps it was the first time that my sight rested on the light descending from the mountains.

The light, together with its witness, was continuing its journey towards the earth. It appeared as though a multitude of lamps rank upon rank, was all around me, in which the truth was manifesting. A truth which is a guide, which has full power and which is a barricade in the paths of darkness(es). That is the one on whose shoulders Divine power places its affectionate hand of luminous and greater purposes. I felt in my self a revolution-like bewilderment. I had entered these valleys with a feeling of hope, with the ambition of fulfilment of desires in empty hands. I have returned and still in my hands the heat and fragrance of the touch of those hands continue, and in the fold (daman) of my shoulders, the roses of the special blessings (dua) of Hazir Imam Hazrat Mawlana Shah Karim al_Huayni, still diffuse the sweet fragrance, which has changed my world.[When the writer was in the presence of Hazir Imam in Gilgit, he had given him special blessings]. I do not find my self as I used to be. I am constantly changing. On the blessed face of Hazir Imam Hazrat Mawlana Shah Karim al-Husayni I have read the writings which were not earthly. For the first time in my life I heard that tone which in my ordinary life I had not experienced even with my closest relative. Even today that softness and gentleness pours dulcet tunes of light into my ears.

My doubt has found such a path of certainty which will never let me go astray. With the rising of this day a new covenant was born in me that, if I have seen the sun in the valleys of Gilgit with the pure and transparent eyes of my heart, then I must write the story of the rising of it.[Here by the sun is meant Hazir Imam Hazrat Mawlana Shah Karim al-Husayni]

This rising is the rising of the truths of life, it is the rising of the higher values of humanity, and the rising of the light of faith, and it is this rising which kindles lamps in the paths of ignorance and enables (the travellers) to reach the destination(s). It is well established that the chain of this rising has continued. So long as even a single human being breathes on the earth which spreads over billions of miles, this rising will continue for the sake of guidance. My attempt to write this book should also be read and felt in the light of this rising. [Here by rising is meant the chain of Imamat which will continue until the Day of Judgement]

I had earlier thought that after the completion of this book I would show you pictures of my attempt and feelings related to it, in the preface, whose bright reflection has illumined not only the lanes of the cities of my heart but has also changed my thoughts and my ways entirely.

But now it appears that what I had to say, what I had to write, is accomplished; all those devotions which I had to make I have completed (and) all that light which I received from the blessed vision (ziyarat) of Hazrat Mawlana Shah Karim al-Husayni I have distributed among you; nothing is left to explain.

Love is definitely unconditional. It is not made, it comes into being of itself. That light which has been sent down to the dark earth for the sake of guidance, will continue and last for ever, and to reject the rain of light which incessantly pours, lets a man to go astray but cannot let him to reach the destination.

The plant of my love for Hazir Imam has also grown gradually, and since it has now begun to bear fruit, I have become sure of my own existence.

I deem it necessary to say one thing clearly. This creation and this writing of mine has been done purely as a result of the intense love for Hazir Imam Hazrat Mawlana Shah Karim al-Husayni and in order to do so I have benefitted from heaps of books and personal observations. If you are still a victim of uncertainty and vacillation in your belief then the contents of this book can be discussed and proofs can be provided.

Light does not ever remain concealed. After all I am not an Ismaili. I was born in a Sayyid family. My ancestors were of Shiah faith. In religious families, the elders have a special attitude towards the children, which leads them to religion. I too was born in a religious family. But, there was another human being in me, who made me aware of history and religion. Reading became my habit and now I also want to write what I feel.

I have said that I am not an Ismaili. I wish I were an Ismaili. But it is a fact that the light of truth which comes to my house, is due to the existence of HazirImam Hazrat Mawlana Shah Karim al-Husayni. And it is my faith that as long as the sun will continue to rise, Imammat will also continue, as long as the moon will continue to scatter its coolness, the fragrance of rectitude and guidance will continue to be dispersed for the prosperity and salvation of mankind, as long as the stars glitter on the surface of the heaven, the shadow of Imamat will remain over the heads of human beings, and as long as the earth will continue to provide sustenance, the message of the Imam of the time to mankind will continue to pour its sweetness in the ears, to walk towards good deeds. However, in this, the condition is to hold to that rope which leads us towards God. God, may He be exalted, has favoured us with bounties such as intellect and awareness, and the favours of God, the Lord of majesty, for men will continue for ever.

Hazrat Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah Aga khan III has said: "We are the progeny of the Prophet. Our grandfather is the Commander of the faithful and our grandmother is the lady of paradise, Hazrat Bibi Fatimah. We are the light of both Ali and the Prophet."

If you cannot realise the truth, the reality and the power of this farman of the Imam, then try to do so and pray to God so that he may bless you with the vision of Hazir Imam Mawlana Shah Karim al-Husayni. If this happens to you, then you will find in yourself such a revolution that your paths will be brighter, your beliefs will be strengthened and you will start to love yourself and you will have the fragrance of goodness in your breath(s).

For God those great personalities whom He chooses to convey His message to His servants and guide them to the straight path also endows with the qualities of leadership. Even if Hazir Imam remains silent Divine Power writes on His blessed face those writings of His message which have full attraction and power to guide human beings to prosperity and salvation.

In the valleys of Gilgit God favoured me with this bounty that I saw Hazir Imam and kissed his blessed hand. Till now the fragrance(s) do not leave my hands and my lips. And this fragrance is the sign of truth, the proof of love and unity and the protector of the paths which go to God. This is my certitude, this is my faith and this is my belief. And it is this which is the raison d'etre of this creation.

That "rain of light" which had started to pour on the deserts, until they become completely green, will continue to pour. It did not take much time to write this book, but definitely its publication took time. It is a story of problems and resources which I do not intend to tell you. It is a matter of my ecstasy.

I have to request you one thing - I will need your opinion about this book. This will be the reward of my love, this will lead to my improvement and this will grow roses in the desert of my courage(s).

Finally, I feel it necessary to say that, in view of the importance of this book, I have, despite my extremely limited means, tried to present it in a better form as far as possible. It will not be possible for you to estimate what a bitter experience it is to publish a book in this age. Nonetheless, I would like to say that I have neither made this book a basis of business, nor have I thought in this superficial manner.

The publication of this book for me is not a business but a worship (ibaadat) and may God make this worship the means of my salvation. For to convey to you each and every word of Hazir Imam Hazrat Mawlana Shah Karim al-Husayni is my faith and my mission...

The dust under the feet of Hazir Imam

(khak-pa-i Hazir Imam)
Sayyid Asaf-jah Jafari.
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Post by kmaherali »

In continuation of exploring various experiences of Zaheri Deedar, the anecdote mentioned below authored by late Alwaez Shamshudin Bandali Haji, is a lecture given by Mr. Jafferali Lalji, a convertee to Ismailism from Hinduism as a result of the Darshan of Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah. Mr. Lalji was a member of a group of 200 individuals who were seeking to convert into Ismaili faith. This group was introduced into Satpanth (True Faith) by Ismaili missionaries and therefore they were well informed about Ismaili faith needing only final 'proof' that the Imam was indeed the 'avataar' (manifestation) of God.

The group received collective Darshan from Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah and thereafter were admitted into Ismaili faith by the Imam. The Darshan involved the appearance of the DAS AVTAARs (ten manifestations) in a sequential order, confirming their understanding that Hazar Imam is indeed the DASMO NALKANKI AVTAAR (tenth pure manifestation).

In comparing this experience with the respective experiences of Al-Muayyad in Cairo and Sayyed Jafari in Gilgit related to in my previous posts, two important inferences can be made.

1. That intellectual preparation and search was an important aspect of the experience. All of them were involved in a search and had done some preliminary investigations. Hence as we prepare ourselves for the forthcoming Deedars, it is essential that we remind ourselves of what Imamat is all about and how we can benefit from it not only on the occasions, but throughout our lives.

2. The experience related directly to their respective intellectual, religious and cultural backgrounds. The experiences confirmed the beliefs about Imamat derived through knowledge. In the cases of Al Muayyad and Sayyed Jafari the experiences confirmed their understanding that Imams were the true descendants of Prophet Muhammad. In the case of the group of Hindus, the experience confirmed their understanding that the Imam was the tenth 'avataar'. More about DAS AVTAAR is given in "Anant Akhado (Ashaji)" verse 404 onwards.

Here is the anecdote...enjoy




Dear Brothers and Sisters,

A few years ago, I was a Hindu by cast, resident of Gujerat. Ismaili missionaries from the Recreation Club of Bombay were visiting our Province on mission of propagating Ismaili Faith. They used to arrange ‘BHAJAN PARTIES’ and ‘SATSANG’ gatherings where I was invited several times.

Your missionaries were, no doubt, well versed in VED, GITA, and PURAN Shashtras and through these scriptures, they endeavoured to prove Ismaili Dharma (Religion) as THE TRUE “SATPANTH” DHARMA where in “NOOR-E-ALI” had descended and IMAM SULTAN MOHAMED SHAH is the FORTY_EIGHTH BEARER of THE “NOOR-E-IMAMAT,” DASMA NAKLANKI AVTAR.

After a number of SATSANG MULAKATS most of the members of our group, numbering two hundred, were convinced of what the missionaries had said about the DIVINE ASPECT of MOWLANA SULTAN MOHAMED SHAH, who was the FORTY_EIGHTH JOMADHARI NOOR MOWLA MURTAZA ALI (SHRI VISHNU VAR DATAR). We, the participants of the ISMAILI BHAJAN MANDALI, were well convinced and agreed to embrace ISMAILI FAITH, but in one way wished it was practically proved – the DIVINE POWER and the PROOF of the “DASMA NAKLANK AVTAR” by MOWLANA SULTAN MOHAMED SHAH HIMSELF. Our group submitted the above suggestion because it would be extremely hard for us to discard our faith and desert our relatives, friends and fellow brothers unless we had been convinced to the fullest as to the genuineness of the DIVINE “LIGHT” OF SHRI VISHNU.

After some years following this, good news of Mowlana Sultan Mohammed Shah’s MUBARAK PADHRAMNI was announced and our aspirant group was invited to visit Bombay for HOLY DIDAR. We all readily agreed to go to Bombay.

During the misssionaries’ MEHMANI, a request was submitted to KHUDAVIND HAZER IMAM explaining how a group of Hindus has been given instruction on the present LIVING DASMA NAKLANK AVTAR and a result of various meetings everything was done pending final “PROOF” of KHUDAVIND’S KHUDAI NOOR NAKLANK AVTAR.

Mowlana Sultan Mohammed Shah was much delighted to read the missionaries’ ARIJA and most graciously made HOLY FARMAN for the arrangement of a meeting with our Hindu group, of approximately two hundred in number – young and old, ladies, gents, and children.

The next day was a RED LETTER DAY! for us. We made ourselves present at the Recreation Club Office in the morning and KHUDAVIND HAZER IMAM arrived at about 11:00 a.m.

At first glance we were very much touched to behold KHUDAVIND’S HOLY DIDAR. MOWLANA SULTAN MOHAMMED SHAH, on HIS arrival, said:

(Well you want to have the Deedar of Naklank - the spotless one? Shabash-Excellent)

MOWLANA SULTAN MOHAMMED SHAH was seated on the sofa. HIS ‘NOORANI’ complexion was so charming that our hearts and souls, totally and instantly, became devoted and dedicated to HIM.

And LO! In moments there were the amazing appearances of the HOLY DAS AVTARS.


We all bowed down immediately in front of the “NOOR-E-PANJTAN PAK” SHRI VISHNU, ALI VAR AVTAR. (ALLAHUMA SALI ALLAH MOHAMMADAN WA AALE MOHAMMED.) Tears of unsurpassable happiness and joy were shed from our eyes. It was truly an unforgettable event of our lives, which cannot be expressed in its perspective.

However, all the members of our group prayed to KHUDAVIND to accept us all as HIS Spiritual Children.


HIS “NOORANI” ARSHIDWADS enlightened our souls to such a high extent that we, to this day, cannot express it by words. It was a day greatest of all days, the day we embraced THE ISMAILI SATPANTH DHARMA where THE “NOORANI” LIVING JYOT is EVER-PRESENT.

We realize that we have SAVED our BILLIONS of BIRTHS and RE-BIRTHS by the HOLY NOORANI DARSHAN and DIDAR. It is because we recognized the “NOOR” of ALI. SHRI VISHNU, we recognized the “NOORANI” JYOT. We had been always reading in our SHASHTRAS (Scriptures) of the advent of SHRI KRISHNA, but we were not knowledgeable of the LIVING KRISHNA, we were not knowledgeable of NAKLANKI AVTAR. We were most fortunate to be graced with the DARSHAN and DIDAR of SHRI NAKLANK – MOWLANA SULTAN MUHAMMAD SHAH, in our lives.

Finally, Mr. Jafferally Laji recited a verse of Holy Ginan.


Explanation:- If someone were to cut my throat even, I would not leave the HOLY HOUSE OF HAZARIMAM: HIS HOLY NAME will be on my lips till the last breath of my life. AMEN.

Truly wonderful, amazing and unique, the story of Huzur Mukhi Jafferali Lalji’s family and colleagues.

**To give a brief introduction of the lecturer: Mr. Jafferali Laji and Count Mohammed Alarakhia were related through the marriage of their son and daughter respectively, which took place after the above incident.

Second related anecdote

“MISSIONARY! YE KONSA STATION HAY?”(Missionary, which station is this?) Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah while recollecting His Divine “Noorani” aspect and “Noorani” incarnation of five thousand years ago, asked one of the missionaries on His Huzur staff while travelling in the interior of India.

“KHUDAWIND! YE MATHURA KA STATION HE! ,”(Khudavind this is Mathura Station) the missionary replied.

“MISSIONARY, KRISHNA AVTAR ME MAYNE IDHAR BAHOT KHEL KIYA, AUR MOMINOKO BAHOT LADD LADAYA,”(Missionary, during my manifestation as Lord Krishna I performed many wonders here, and spoilt my momins) Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah uttered these unique and most wonderful recollections of His Divine Avtar.
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Post by kmaherali »

Ismaili Anthem

Noore-Rasulillah-s‚ bane‚ ho Aga Khan,
Shah Karim al-Husayni tunm ho Sahibuz-Zaman;

Mushkil Kusha-ke pyare,
Jannat-‚-Khatun-ke tare.
Hasan Husayn-ke sare,
Noor-se ho khandan;

Panj-Tan ke ho sartaj,
Kayam hat tera raj,
Juga juga jive tunm-ji sham,
Muridon hat sab tere gulam,
Sar juka karie hat salam.

Translation of Ismaili Anthem

Light (Noor) of the Prophet of Allah
You are from the Light (Noor) of the Prophet of
Allah (Prophet Muhammad), O Aga Khan!
You are the Lord of the Age, O Shah Karim Aga Khan!

Beloved of Hazrat Ali (Mushkil Kusha - title of Hazrat Ali which means 'Redeemer of difficulties'),
Star of Hazrat Bibi Fatima (Khatun-e-Jannat - title of Hazrat Bibi Fatima which means 'The Lady of Paradise.').
Your Noor is from Hazrat Hasan and Hazrat Imam Husayn,
Your's is a Noorani family.

You are the Crown of Panj-Tan Pak, (Prophet Muhammad, Hazrat Ali,Hazrat Bibi Fatima, Hazrat Hasan, Hazrat Imam Husayn)
Your Spiritual Rule is everlasting,
May your glory shine throughout the ages,
All Your followers are Your slaves,
They bow their heads and offer You their salutations.
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Post by kmaherali »

There is an article on the significance of Deedar at:

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Are we ready for zaheri Deedar (Preperation)

Post by alinizar313 »

As we are approaching towards the zaheri deedar of our beloved Imam in Canada, we should ask ourselves, Am I ready to grasp the baarkaat of Deedar? Are my ears able to listen to the farman of my Imam? Are my eyes open to see Him? Will my heart feel the essence of the Words spoken by my Mowla. If answer is “Yes”, then I give you my advance Mubaraki. If not then we should check ourselves what and how can I improve myself to get the maximum benefit from Deedar.

.To get the fruit, first we have to plough the soil to make it soft. And then we have to put seed in the soil and then wait for raining if water will not be available. Therefore first we have to make our soil soft otherwise the water (raining) will not be effective and all your efforts will be useless. Similarly the Mowla is coming to shower His Barkaat and Blessings on our heart and soul. Are we ready to take that barkaat? Did we make any effort to soften our heart?

If some new and your loved one guest is expected to come our home, we normally get one room (at least) vacate for him and make it clean, white washed or colored and decorated so that he may live in it comfortably. Now this guest which is coming to our home is unique and most beloved one. Did we vacate your home completely for him? Because He never live with anybody. Did we complete the white wash of your home? Did we polish it?
When we go to meet our most valued friend or Mashooq (Beloved), we make ourselves clean to remove any dirt by taking shower and put on clean and precious clothes otherwise the beloved will not meet. “Dost maashooq ne mervani umaid rakhto hoi ane teno libas kharab hoi to maashoq tenaiy kabool nahi keraiy ane kaheshaiy ke jao jao” ( Sultan Mohammed Shah). It means if a friend want to meet his beloved and his attire is dirty then the Maashooq will not accept him and tell him to go. So did we clean the dirt by taking shower? Did we prepare special attire or suit to put on? So what to do? ………. We all know what to do but we have to remind ourselves. DO INTENSE SUPPLICATION ( GIRYAZARI) AND ASK MOWLA TO GIVE US COURAGE THAT WE SHOULD DO GOOD DEEDS, MAKE US HUMBLE AND HONEST. Ameen.
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Religious devotional poetry

Post by alisa »

Imam ki Aamd

Imam ki aamd aamd hay
Momino ki khusamd hay

Nachtey raho, Gatey raho
Khushia(n) manatey raho

Imam nay leekhi hay(n) khusia(n) he khusia(n)
Khusia(n) loot-tey raho, Ali, Ali kertay raho

Imam key aamd aamd hay
Momini key khusamd hay

Mil-jul ke saath raho
Ek duje ke dukh-dard key baat karo

Nachtay raho Gatey raho
Naam Ali Ka latey raho

Yeh tumhar shaan hay
Yehi Tumhari pehchaan hay

Imam key aamd aamd hay
Momino key khusamd hay

Ek duje kay kaam aate raho
Her waqt khusia(n) manatey raho

Esi mai(n) Imam key raza hay
Esi mai(n) Jannat ka maza hay

Nachtey raho Gatey raho
Khusian Manatey raho

Imam key aamd, aamd hay
Momino key khushamd hay

Amir Samji

Spiritual light

Saw beautiful sketch of spiritual world
Was so gorgeous, like a piece of pearl
So beautiful was that, and full of grace
Since than have not seen, and no trace

I have been trying to search it, and find
It looks that my memory has gone blind
Said to self, become normal, and be kind
No clue of that light, I lost a lot of time!

I’m upset, my heart says don’t stop carry on
Sure, one day it’ll come to you with light on
Stupid I’m, thought that it would have gone
No, is natural instinct of human, and in born

Without that light, can not imagine of me!
Went all round, said that should be in me
Is anyone there to help to find it for me?!
I bless you with God, If you can help me!

Unless, I see spiritual light, will not rest
Not to believe on anyone, will do my best
Mowla I lost in ocean of search, please help!
So that with my insight reach you to feel glad
So I can reach you with that bounty to feel glad

Amir Samji


Thirsty are we, Mowla of your deedar
It had been years, since we had deedar
We can’t live any more with no deedar
Shower your mercy, bless with deedar

Holding volcanic eruption, in our hearts
Thinking day, and night, though it’s hard
Accept plea, as we are not that die-hard
Become lazy, forget that you are the start

Though, we know to be regular in prayers!!
But, we give more time to worldly affairs!!
Still we do that, though, it is being unfair!!
It has dense our souls with sinful layers!!

Still there is time, please follow my advice
Will be lamenting, and paying heavy price!
And that would not be mine, your choice!
Is my duty to guide, how to be in paradise!

My wish is, you have success in both worlds
Accomplish your destiny, be a piece of pearl!
You can achieve this by balancing your life!!
I know, is easy, practice it, to see the light!!

Mowla, years have been passed just like that
I remember very well, you advised us to wait
Still waiting Ya Ali Bapa, please come back!
Forgive all our sins, our past we much regret!

Mowla, I have no where to go, except to wait
I know, is my fault, day by day it’s getting late!
My rosary continues, unless have piece of cake
Now, year end is near, please give us tax brake!

When we hear, you bless other jamats with deedar
Our hearts, and minds, go haywire to have deedar
Please, listen to our plea, bestow us your deedar
Sins will be washed away with the bounty of deedar

Amir Samji

Momins of yours

Mowla, we momins of your
Waiting for, deedar of yours
Praying, & kept our fingers cross
Listen to our plea, oh spiritual boss

Mowla, we momins of yours
Obey you, see no profit, and loss
No worries, since you are our boss
We are happy, faith in you, gross

Mowla, we momins of yours
In your guidance, this much we rose
Because of untiring efforts of yours
We find solutions, & smell the rose!

Mowla, we momins of yours
Keep blessing us, and bless on those
Who are sincere Momins yours
On their behalf, we may come close

Mowla, We momins of yours
Mowla, We momins of yours

Amir Samji

A visit to paradise

While in meditation, it rose me high to fly
Not aware what was happening, and why?
I was in center with two fairies, me to fly
They drop me in paradise to my surprise!!

Was astonished to see beauty of paradise!
Lush green gardens which I can't describe
Streams of milk, & honey, running beside
If deeds are good, we can get in with pride

Being 1st stage of paradise, was so bright
Next was to see Angels, to further apprise
They took me to meet people in paradise
All were praying, were no worldly desires

Some were in detention for their minor sins
Were waiting for mercy of God, to come in
Salvation prayers, help to cleanse their sins
They get elevated to upper levels to step in

Is a unique process of God, to be one with him
Is wonderful process which we can not imagine
Folk, always forgive those, who are not here in
This pave the way to be in paradise with no sin

Amir Samji
Copyright ©2005 Amir Samji
Last edited by alisa on Mon May 23, 2005 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by alisa »

I do write poetries religious devotional and secular poetires, so far have composed 150 poems and some of them are award winning as well. I have declared poet of the year 2003 and received 'A Shakhespeare Trophy of Exellence along with A Medallion. In September 2004, I have a honor to receive 'Editor's Choice Award' from Inerntational Society of Poets.

Aga Khan, man with passion & vision

He is the man with passion, and vision
Both the qualities in him, are stationed
It is very rare and sign of manifestation
It is unique, and has power of creation!

I am amazed & thinking, how he has done
It looks really difficult but for him is a fun
Army of volunteers help to take right turn
This being core of vision to make great run

I am subdued by his intellect, and intention
Sometime, find myself in very odd situation
How to convince others & explain his vision
But anyhow I am always there for his vision

Our insight, augur, and lead us to exploration
Is like a child’s play to solve simple equation!
Will be in submission, have no other questions
Is instinct of divine beauty to grasp his vision!

There are, a very few with this big reputation
Has spotless character, with unique intuition !
His biography sheds light to explain his vision
Soon, you will incline to fall in, for his vision!

Amir Samji

Aga Khan, man of peace

In peoples eyes, He is a holy man
What He does, is eager to explain
As His vision is very clear, & plain
And He is for truth, it’s in His name

He knows what He does
All He does with ethics
Further He knows it basics
Its effects are vast & classic

No doubt, whatever He does has perfection
Not only perfect, has beauty of perfection
You don’t find mistake to make correction!
Because He is perfect, and is from perfection

He is great, and the best He delivers
His followers at peace being receivers
His shadow reflects in followers as mirror
They follow His words, for them is dearer

For them He is divine perfect man to follow
It needs great insight, His words to swallow!!
Being descendent of Mohammed, to everyone He says hello
This is a great example for others to act upon, and to follow!

Amir Samji

11th of July

We celebrate 11th of July with zest and zeal
Remember those who are less fortunate still
Help them, feel great, as it is not a big deal
Share lovely moments of yours to proud feel

Mowla is proud to see you high in ambition
He wants to see pride of vision in Ismailism
To help others, go out of way to get recognition
To do this need great courage, & determination

Mowla bless you, you are men with vision
Do your best, to meet with His expectation
He looks upon us, to be cause of salvation!
Be proud, He’s there to guide for generations!

While celebrating, give true sense of direction!
Precious jewel it is, and cause of rejuvenation
Most of us not aware, purpose of celebration
For sake of celebration, we go for celebration!

Amir Samji
Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji

13th of December

Remember this day of blessing to bless others
Bless materially or spiritually, it doesn’t matter
A little help of yours may change life of others
A sincere hug of yours may melt the ice further

If you are sincere mureed of Imam with faith
Do as little as you can, and make it your craze
This being day of great importance to your faith
This will make you humble so you can feel great
Contemplate, how can you do something for those
That may change quality of life of, who has no hope
You have been sent here with purpose in mind broad
This will reflect on your lives here-in-after by God

The theme of the day is to obey Imam’s Farman
Is nothing but proclamation of salvation of Iman
Prove, how can you do that to be one with Imam
Connect yourself to God to be a man with Ginan

This is the divine beauty of search to be one with God
Nothing is more important than salvation of your soul
Will enlighten you spiritually, make you friend of God
Being a humble servant, find yourself closer to Lord!

Amir Samji
Posts: 666
Joined: Mon May 23, 2005 12:02 pm
Location: Glendale, California - USA

Post by alisa »

Here are some more religious devotional poems;

Spiritual light

Saw beautiful sketch of spiritual world
Was so gorgeous, like a piece of pearl
So beautiful was that, and full of grace
Since than have not seen, and no trace

I have been trying to search it, and find
It looks that my memory has gone blind
Said to self, become normal, and be kind
No clue of that light, I lost a lot of time!

I’m upset, my heart says don’t stop carry on
Sure, one day it’ll come to you with light on
Stupid I’m, thought that it would have gone
No, is natural instinct of human, and in born

Without that light, can not imagine of me!
Went all round, said that should be in me
Is anyone there to help to find it for me?!
I bless you with God, If you can help me!

Unless, I see spiritual light, will not rest
Not to believe on anyone, will do my best
Mowla I lost in ocean of search, please help!
So that with my insight reach you to feel glad
So I can reach you with that bounty to feel glad

Amir Samji


Dance at the tune of music
To live together
To feel better,
To be in silver platter

Dance at the tune of music
For love, and romance
Fall in love to advance
Come on, take a chance!

Dance at the tune of music,
With your partner strategic
To feel love, and its magic
To understand love, and its basics

Dance at the tune of music
To get pleasure of love
To define beauty of love
To come closer to divine love

Dance at the tune of music
To feel rhythm of your heart
To become spiritually smart!
To indulge in for heavenly start!

Amir Samji
Copyright ©2004 Amir Ali Samji

Imam’s guidance
Imam’s guidance, inspirational in nature
The way He guides, benefit all creature
You just listen to him, things gets better
Get convinced on the spot on any matter

When you get convinced, you feel great
You are on your way, & have no regrets
Others are still thinking, you done great!
What a great spiritual power, and secret

He can convince anyone with His intellect
Always listen to Him, so that you feel great
Gives you things ready to eat in gold plate
Folk, what else do you need to be blessed?!

If U listen attentively, get it done in novel way
Just follow His guidance, you’re on your way
What a novel gift, Imam has blessed us in a day
We have to admire, though we are still far away

As master of universe, create what he wants
You do dare, anything you like, you may ask!
Even, He tells you, things you have not asked
Is more than a miracle which were not sought

Amir Samji

Momins of yours

Mowla, we momins of your
Waiting for, deedar of yours
Praying, & kept our fingers cross
Listen to our plea, oh spiritual boss

Mowla, we momins of yours
Obey you, see no profit, and loss
No worries, since you are our boss
We are happy, faith in you, gross

Mowla, we momins of yours
In your guidance, this much we rose
Because of untiring efforts of yours
We find solutions, & smell the rose!

Mowla, we momins of yours
Keep blessing us, and bless on those
Who are sincere Momins yours
On their behalf, we may come close

Mowla, We momins of yours
Mowla, We momins of yours

Amir Samji

Mowla’s beautiful world

This world, the beautiful world to live in
Mowla Bapa’s charm, and beauty there in
It inclines us to adore, worship, and get in
The more you search, more you lure in!!

Mowla has bestowed us intellect to click in
Everything is at our disposal, just peep in
He wants us to explore more, just dig in
He is anxious to give us more, just tick in

He got everything but for him it has no use
He is kind, has kept everything for our use
He bless us, whether we believe Him, or confuse
So, why not ask Him, & get everything to amuse

We forgot Mowla, and wandering around!
And looking at others to fulfill our grounds
If indulge in such activity, will look like clown
Follow what He says, to have foundation sound

We will get more than we need, request humbly
He is waiting, someone to bow his head meekly
He is ready to give, more than butter and bread
To achieve that, get together divinely thread!

Amir Samji
Copyright ©2004 Amir Ali Samji
Posts: 666
Joined: Mon May 23, 2005 12:02 pm
Location: Glendale, California - USA

Post by alisa »

Here are some more of classic devotional pems;


Those who don’t obey Imam, has no sense
They don’t follow, in the end they are tense
In fact they are looser, and missed the train
Remember Na-farmani, is not comfort but is pain!!!!

Even a soldier does not want to die!!!
He tries to escape, volley of fire
So, how come you loose your brain??
Remember Na-farmani, is not comfort, but is pain

Oh! Imam wasted millions to get you trained
Then how come you show Him, empty brain
Imam invested in you, and now He feels pain
Remembert, Na-farmani, is not comfort, but is pain!

Think by disobeying Him what you gain??
No, you get nothing, and smiles your friends
Please come back to normal, use your brain
Remember, Na-farmani is not comfort, but is pain!

By negligence you’re conveying wrong message, guys
This gift of lifetime, comes only once in life to enjoy!!!
Thank Mowla a lot, for what he has gifted you to enjoy
Remember, Na-farmani is not comfort, but is pain!!!!!

Amir Samji


I can see the light at the other end of funnel
How come you are left behind in the tunnel?!!
With the sincere efforts you can come close
With Imam's blessings become one of those

It's Imam's wonder and bestows on those
Who are holistic, and sincere in their cause
It is a special blessing, and bless on those
Who visualize themselves to come close

Continue to search light until you see hope
As this hope of life time with wide scope
Concentrate on it, until you are quite close
Soon, you will succeed, and see the Lord!!

Now you become anxious to see the light
In fact it is a lot, but looks like a slight!!
Don't give up, chase - until you realized
I'm sure, it will come to you as a surprise

Believe in God, continue your search for light
It excites you to go further for spiritual delight
With true ethics, you emerge successful in light
If you are not sincere in it, there is no light!!

Amir Samji


Sin is nothing but wrong replica of our own
Is a black spot on our hearts as big as cone
It looks, as yet our intellect is not grown!
Though live in advance age with cell phone!

But when once you are in ocean of sins
You forget your reality, and indulge in
Being conscious-less loose rein to give in
Surprise you commit sins to let evil get in!

You do commit sins, and have no regrets!
For you sin is, like smoking a cigarette!
Being off track, always remain in stress!
For God, be good, do good, & be straight

Unless you have feelings for others, no use!
You think you enjoy, in fact you are confused
Unless you regret, and change your behavior
Dude, whatever you do, will not find a savior!

Let forget enmity, and get out of it sphere
Please feel pains of others, and have fear
You're human with intellect, come on, dear
God may bless you sanity, hope you do hear!

Amir Samji
Copyright ©2004 Amir Ali Samji

That Slow

Don’t go Mureed don’t go that slow
Will not reach there, being that slow
Search for spiritual light in full flow
If you left behind, will be a big blow

Don’t go Mureed don’t go that slow
To find the Noor, see tides, and its flow
Intellect will help you, to be in full flow
Continue, don’t give up, being slow!!

Don’t go Mureed don’t go that slow
Keep the pace with time to see it glow
All hurdles you face with smooth flow
Imam’s blessing with you, but still slow

Don’t go Mureed, don’t go that slow
To see Imam’s Noor, needs honest flow
Untiring efforts, will get you in full flow
Our elders did it, as they were not slow

Don’t go Mureed, don’t go that slow
Think how to do that to get in full flow
Tidal waves of life are high and low!!
Surf through tides with smooth flow!!

Amir Samji

Who am I?

Am keep thinking, who am I, and why I am?
What is the purpose, and what are the aims?
Is beyond imagination of any sport or game
If unable to find answer, you have no name

Think, and keep thinking to find your reality
Is there, and is confined in your personality
Strive for it, and list out what're possibilities
Use mental software to find out probability!!

Will guide you through to source of lights
Further will lead you to light of lights!
Thinking is pre-condition to take that flight
More you take interest, more it sheds light

You will see, unseen, is cause of your delight!
Excite you further to think, to take more flight
Enrich your experience, your purpose highlight
Help understand creation theory with own eyes

With intellect you can discover your chronology
Will explain you further what's your genealogy!
You're from God, empowered with his psychology
Be theosophical to figure out myth of mythology

Amir Samji
Copyright ©2005 Amir Samji
Posts: 666
Joined: Mon May 23, 2005 12:02 pm
Location: Glendale, California - USA

Post by alisa »

Here are some more of very unquie religious devotional poems;


Is more than a miracle, we were waiting for
A hope for those needy, we are creating for
It has been in LA for decade, help therefore
A miracle of AKDN what are you looking for?

Is venture of dream without noise, & scream
This has done with the help of main-stream
Doing for decade with the speed of jet steam
It's a very adorable, and very unique scheme

Aim is to fulfill dreams of those poor masses
Their dreams are wonderful, and very classics
Have to meet their expectation with splashes!!
Is easy, not difficult, come on, take chances!

All human are born genius, as per genealogy
Even this can be proved, check your biology
Can be confirmed with the help of radiology
They need our help as per rule of sociology

Be generous, help them to come out of the den
They are like us but little confused, and in pain
You not going to loose anything but all you gain
Isn't it great, help someone to bring out of pain?!

Amir Samji
Copyright ©2004 Amir Samji

Valley of death

Saw, death dancing in front of my own eyes
Can not cry as I was saying myself, goodbye
It was happening faster than new baby's cry
Was unbelievable that life is full of surprise!

This scenario continued, for a couple of minutes
An angel appears, before my hope can diminish
Said the Angel wake up, I am here to replenish
Thank God that rescue has come before I finish

For a while was swinging between life & death
Saw an angel, coming to carry away from death
Felt a sigh of relief instantly, was out of threat
Is a miracle, snatched me from mouth of death

No matter how much you calculate, do the math
You never know, what is going to happen, next
This is a system, even you don’t like it, is a fact
Have no say in it, ready to fall in lap of death!!

When it happens, is out of capacity of your head
You have no say in it, ready to fall in lap of death
Is your fate, no matter how much hate the death
This is a system of God, don’t like, but is a fact!!

Understand, devote your life for good, is the best
Who knows, when you receive a wreath of death
Prior that happens, want to be an angel of death
To know my fate, before it surround me of threat

Amir Samji
Copyright ©2005 Amir Samji

Science & Religion

Science, & religion are like two bodies one soul
Both are inseparable, use them with no foul!!
Use your insight to come out with crystal ball
By virtue of that you see through, and don't fall

By negating each other, we are widening the gap
That notion, will lead us to disastrous effects
By following solo race, we may end up in mess
So, go hand in hand, to come out with success

Scientists who do research, get divinely help!
When they do so, nature guides them to invent!
Is true, all scientists go humble with the success
They went through it, and found out themselves

Will be no clash if both are used for noble cause
In fact, they can go hand in hand, with no pause!
Success is your fate, with thunderous applause!
And, those who think of clash, are out of class!

Research we did yet, is friction of God's might!
In friction, we hypnotize, and lost our insight!
Merge them together, so that, give a noble fight
No use of success, if we end up in a solo flight

Amir Samji
Copyright ©2004 Amir Ali Samji

Pioneer of peace

We, the Muslims were pioneer of peace
What happened, why we have gone sluggish?
Think over, and come out with answer please
Whole world staring at me, answer to release

Just see our past, how glorious it was!
We were using intellect for good cause
Everywhere, we were welcome with big applause
Now what happened dudes, we went out of class?

See God has gifted us abundance of wealth
Then, why we're passing thru difficult phase?
We are waiting, prosperity to fall on our lap
No, this will not happen to narrow the gap!

Ancestors were kind, and generous in dealings
Those were their qualities, with good feelings
Forget, and forgive were their way of living
Don't know why, to innocents we are killing?

Follow teachings of Mohammed as true follower
What he used to preach, had practiced all over
If you do that, a red carpet will be rolled over
You see the result all around, and its spill over

Amir Samji
Copyright ©2004 Amir Ali Samji

Pioneer of peace

We, the Muslims were pioneer of peace
What happened, why we have gone sluggish?
Think over, and come out with answer please
Whole world staring at me, answer to release

Just see our past, how glorious it was!
We were using intellect for good cause
Everywhere, we were welcome with big applause
Now what happened dudes, we went out of class?

See God has gifted us abundance of wealth
Then, why we're passing thru difficult phase?
We are waiting, prosperity to fall on our lap
No, this will not happen to narrow the gap!

Ancestors were kind, and generous in dealings
Those were their qualities, with good feelings
Forget, and forgive were their way of living
Don't know why, to innocents we are killing?

Follow teachings of Mohammed as true follower
What he used to preach, had practiced all over
If you do that, a red carpet will be rolled over
You see the result all around, and its spill over

Amir Samji
Copyright ©2004 Amir Ali Samji

Life - A short passage to eternity

Our life is short passage to eternity
Is the beautiful way toward divinity
To achieve that, find out possibilities
Is within your reach, and is reality!!

One day God will call upon us
Have to answer, no excuse thus
Believe in him, have faith, and trust
Don't know when it happens, please rush

We have to be straight with character robust
That will advocate our cause to paradise thus
Be humble and kind, to anyone don't crush
Follow the divine principles, and exerts

Life is a drama, don't know number of episode
Keep the plot open so that anytime it can close
Those who're wise in intellect exactly knows
Those who don't, for them will be a big blow

When you will be called upon, nobody knows
Is a routine procedure, soul comes and goes
Think, and find out how much you are close
Be cool, in atmosphere hot, & cold air blows!

Amir Samji
Copyright ©2005 Amir Samji


Pluralism is foundation of civil society
This is a key to our success with variety
To bring in peace, give it a top priority
Think & contemplate to bring that quality

It does not matter what ethnicity you are from
Is also irrelevant what religion, you follow on
This is scientific age, and those days are gone
Righteous are those who, right path are shown

Religion is there to guide you for love and peace
Show you ways to live in peace which all appease
Political & Commercial motives make it un-relic
Would you stop this non-sense, for God please?!

This is a bitter pill, for time being to swallow
But this will bring smile on your face with glow
Think of future with smile, say to everyone, hello
See a sea of attitude change on all, with full flow

Affectionate with those who are less fortunate in kingdom
Welcome and accommodate them with open arm in system
We being human, politically and religiously vie for freedom
We are one human race, belong to one God and one kingdom

Amir Samji
Posts: 666
Joined: Mon May 23, 2005 12:02 pm
Location: Glendale, California - USA

Religious, devotional poetry

Post by alisa »

Golden Jubilee

Golden Jubilee Aae hey Imam-e-Zaman ki
Yeh Nishani Hey Hamarey Iman ki

Yaha(n) Ka Bacha Bacha Imam ka Matwala Hey
Her Momin ke mooh(n) per Dekho Keisa Oojala Hey

Imam Humei(n) Nikal Laya Hey(n) Andhere sei Oojaley mei(n)
Aaj sub Ismaili Khana Khatei(n) Hei(n) Chandi ke Piyale Mei(n)

Hum Kyoon na ho(n) Shedai apne Imam kay
Diya Hay oosne sub-kutch Humei(n) apne naam sey

Yeh Panj-tan Pak, Mohammed Aur Ali Ka Ladla Hey
Aur Saath he Bi Bi Fatima Kay Jiger ka Tuk(d)ra Hey

Yeh Karim, Quran Ka Ameen, Islam Ka Rakhwala Hey
Aaj Dekho Imam ke Naam Sey, Islam Ka Bol Bala Hey

Aaj Sara Jahan Hidayat Le-ta Hei Imam-e-Zaman Sey
Dekho Sachai Ka bol Bala Hei Mowla key naam Sey

Ismaili Abad Hei(n) Jahan Mei(n) Imam-e-Zaman ke Firman Sey
Imam ger Kahe ga Humei(n) to jaan bhe de-dey(n)gey, Iman sey.

Hazar Imam zinda Bad, Hazar Imam Zinda Bad.
Shah Karim zinda bad, Shah Karim, zinda bad

Amir Samji

Book reading

It provides fuel to your thoughts to burn
Helps you come out from dark like a sun
You face the situation, don't take U turn
Nothing to loose, has something to learn

All are welcome, no bias, in its kingdom
Open up wisdom to walk toward freedom
With passage of time you become awesome
In light or dark, shines by itself like radium!

No limit whatsoever, has intellect of ocean
Enlighten knowledge with power of inspiration
Helps, peep into secret parameters of creation
And, fantasy of it, you indulge in fascination

Instinct of intellect, capture you in intuition
Walk toward your goals with no reservation
Is a good omen, and sign of augmentation
And it leads you to, in further manifestation

Miracle of books created peaceful revolution!
Has revolutionized entire world's expectation
Without which have not been in that position
Hope, one day, be able to solve, unsolved equation

Amir Samji

Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji

A Factor of Universe

To live socially together, there are set ways
But we think, and implement it, on our way
We interpret the life, and design novel ways
Don't know, why we go out of normal way?

Don't interfere dude, let them live they like!!
come back to normal, no point you dislike!
Nothing to say, this is their choice of life!
That is the way, they want to live their life!!

Better, we should live the life naturally
That God has ordained for us specially!!
Follow that to find lust of life blissfully
See, how God has done that beautifully?!

Can not apply here, method of trial, & error
God has devised this, no chance of an error!
We may loose identity, suffer fear, and terror!
Please come back to nature to look fairer!!

God is supreme, superbly designed the Universe
Do whatever you like, it can not be reversed!
Though we're at free will, can't be conversed!
In factory, we're nothing but a factor of Universe!

Amir Samji

Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji


True, education is future of entire human
Intellectuals call it freedom of wisdom
It open up intellect in many dimensions
Broaden horizon, to think in any direction

The more you incline, comes closer to you
More you devote it becomes clearer to you
It opens up many vista of lights around you
To acquire education, is birth right of you

Let new generations realize, and go for it
Let them understand, how powerful it is!!
When they get it, see how they utilize it!
Give them sense of direction to mobilize it

Those who are not aware, can't think of it
They got a bit, and think, own lot of it!!
It can take you sky high, as it has no limit
Is more powerful than atom, get hold of it!

As said 'Acquire knowledge cradle to grave'
Even you are 90, 100, 110 or near to grave!
Go for it, act like a soldier, and be brave
Unable to grasp it, consequences are grave!!

Amir Samji

Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji


Ego hurts very often with no reason
As we take small mistake as treason!
It revolves in mind, and create confusion
Strange, it keeps us upset, for no reason

We don't have to take it, as an invasion
Will not serve any purpose than division
Unless, someone makes true confession!!
What is the use of being in depression!

Take it lightly with sense of humor
Do not dwell in long, to make it tumor
If dwell in, will spread unnecessary rumor
Will suffer pain, and results are dimmer

Keep in mind that you are not blind
Open your insight, do not get malign
Listen to others to keep them incline
Between good, & bad, draw a fine line

Ego is nothing, but creation of our mind!
Maintain harmonious relation, and be kind
Sure, one day, you will get peace of mind
Being God's creation finally truth we find

Amir Samji

Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji


Help those who are weak in any aspect of life
Extend them help when you are at peak of life
They deserve your attention being weak in life
These weaknesses are in born, & full of strife!

They look upon you for rescue, and help!!
Feel proud, as you are in a position to help
This is a God blessing, chosen you to help!
Be unique in quality, and get ready to help!

All humans don't have same level of intellect
God has blessed you, more than you expect
Help them, as this defect in them is in born!
Help, as your mother did, when you born!

Trying to come out of, shadow of weakness!!
Want to use your intellect to see greatness!
Help them so they can see world's brightness
Be good, help them, to come out of dryness!!

God has his set ways, and there is no change!
His system is master piece, and can't derange
Purpose of creation is sympathy, please realize
Don't worry help - God is there to recognize!

Amir Samji

Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji


Intellect is golden key, use it a novel way
It will help you to find solution one day!
Intellect is divine beauty, blessing of God
Unable to click things in time, Oh my God!

Look at the life of, those great people!
They found the answer being very simple!
But they did not loose courage, and fought
They deserve the place in history, they got

We are in better place than, we thought!
With intellect, quietly we can do a lot!!
As our fore fathers did it, being smart!
Follow them, to conceive your thoughts!

Not to get upset, with day to day surprise
They are normal ones, and come to apprise!
Solve them with pride, and give a surprise
As said, 'build bridge before flood comes in'

Problems surface to test our intellect level!
It is a master key, keep it away from devil
Is a great gift, use it with knowledge, parallel
Think of God, thank Him a lot at every level!!

Amir Samji

Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji


Mircle is supernatural happening to surprise
It happens to open up our eyes, and apprise!
If you get the message in time, you are wise
And failed to envisage, will pay a big price!!

In religion it is common to experience it
Not all of us, but those blessed, can see it!
It's something you can experience in life
It needs deep insight to take that flight

With the help of intellect you fly high level
With naked eyes, you can't manage to travel
Just see those saints of past, and their level
They were excel in thoughts, ready to travel

And they used to go beyond limit, to unravel
Were excel in all, and not frighten of devil
Those, people of their words, made special!!
Need thorough search, to reach their level!

Mohammed, and Jesus are God's biggest miracles!
Still we have not solved Bible, & Koran debacle!
Free your thoughts, from captivity of upheaval!
Will enlgihten you, to rise above mediocre level

Amir Samji

Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji


Religion is divine source of peace
It is source of truth & salvation
When a doctor gives up hope
Religion console you to cope!

When you turn down by all
Religion helps before you fall
You smile, and start to crawl
You say thank you to all!

Repent! and seek divine help!
Rescue will fall in your lap!
Is a joyous occassion to clap
Vacuum fills in, to remove gap

Find solution in a twinkle of an eye
When see miracles, you feel to cry!!
This is not limited to you & me, guy
All human has intellect, can give a try

Nature is singular source of power!
His power has no limit whatsoever!
Think of His mercy, do not invite His fire!
As Universe revolves on His divine desire

Amir Ali Samji

Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji


You said, you are something
No, not you, it is your soul
You are matter, and nothing
To find it out, do something

When it departs
from your body
It is something
you are nothing

It wants to see you
but can not see you
as you are nothing,
soul is something

So do something
for your soul
as it is eternal
dust you are, and nothing

Realise it, and do something
It was your soul
when it was with you
As it is out, you are nothing

Amir Samji

Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji

The Meditation

Meditation is a magic touch to spiritual power
As you touch it, will feel fragrance of flowers
It is very complex matter to get in and search
Though, it leads you to light, when it works!

Insight in it, defines it reality, in true sense
It is very hard to divulge, it's visual in sense!
Being honest you succeed, got the essence
Light you find, is cause of your renaissance

Isn't it? Is difficult to grasp in, in real sense
Is God's wonder, search it with spiritual sense
Success, will open up many windows, to guide
It'll be yours, as a permanent source of pride

No way you can define, and visualize in words
But you can fly freely, with spiritual birds!
The more you meditate, more, you get perks!
It's a God blessing, needs thorough search!

Concentration is prime condition to rise in!
Meditation helps it to enhance, and get rising
It's a very delicate issue of nature to dial in!
But don't worry, God is there, keep dialing!

Amir Samji

Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji


Once I was thinking re power of thoughts
It took me deep into the ocean of thoughts
To my enjoyment you know! what it brought?
It turn me into heavenly space shuttle to start!

My journey went on to ocean of thoughts!
It amazed me, what a novel place it was!
No where on earth it is, it will be, & it was!
Everything was so disciplined, than I thought!

No makerover, and pretension to be seen
You meet, and you see everyone is clean
What a colorful place, than I thought!
It is me, my thoughts, and it onslaught!

If we apply, will open up spiritual lights
And will lead us to new places to delight
There are thousands of new world in space
More beautiful than our earth to compare!

We can reach there with power of thoughts
Only courage of our wisdom needs to apply!
Surprise now-a-days our thoughts are so dry!
Even it is within reach of you, and me to try!

Amir Samji

Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji


Truth is natural instinct of humans
It is shadow of human and in born
You can not play with it very long
One day, it resurrect on its own!!

When it shines, it reflection is on!!
Millions tried to hide to prevail on
But nothing was achieved, they all gone
Keep in mind, truth reflects on its own!!

Just to satisfy our ego, from truth we go
We compromise truth, and wrong we do!!
Be firm, and do not let loose your rein
Go for truth, and from wrong you refrain

Once it used to be beauty of icon, & peace
This is jewel of human, use it for peace
Now in no time, it explodes in wrong tone
Due to our level of insight truth has gone!

Fire of flames will fall, we are blamed!
We are way out of truth, and still sane!
Wait, and see how God reacts to it!!
He's most merciful though he feels pains

Amir Samji

Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji


Create spirit of volunteerism to serve others
There are people who need voluntary works
Go, help them, you will get heavenly perks
They are lonely, and in need of help superb

These kind of services, nowhere you find
Those devoted themselves, are very kind
Discipline gets in, to help others you incline
Everyone loves you, you are short of time

Get involve, advice others to come forward
Raise their moral so, they don't feel awkward
Be ready to help, to do that we look forward
They feel indebted, petals of flowers showered

How nice, people come to you to get advice!
You satisfies greatly, your vision is high
You look at sky feel contended, and smile!
You are on your way to touch all heights!

The services you offer, has immense value
Where ever you go, get respect, and value
Your services make you great, follow that
Make sure, always be in time, never be late!

Amir Samji

Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji

There are more to post but I think, it will go too lengthy too view and folk might interest.

Amir Samji
Posts: 352
Joined: Sat Apr 17, 2004 8:20 pm

Post by unnalhaq »

I think this may belong in THEOLOGY section:
Has anyone ever noticed that the DIDARs and/or DARBARS The Imam's Left arm (hand) is always in one position (about halfway up and sort of close to the bottom left rib), I would suggest you pay attention to that next time during Didar. And ask, ask someone who has in-depth knowledge of Didars. There are occasions (very seldom) when instead of left arm the Right arm is up. And to further this, in public events when even a single soul is present that seeks his Didar Imam recognizes and the tell-tell sign is the Left arm (hand) position.
If someone knows the meaning of this you could share with others. I know what it is but it is very difficult to explain, it is something that you just know form inside but I am not sure how to explain.
Posts: 101
Joined: Sat Mar 27, 2004 8:47 pm

Post by tasbiha »

unnalhaq, you are really onto something. I will email you later.
Posts: 91
Joined: Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:20 pm

Post by s786 »

unnalhaq wrote:I think this may belong in THEOLOGY section:
Has anyone ever noticed that the DIDARs and/or DARBARS The Imam's Left arm (hand) is always in one position (about halfway up and sort of close to the bottom left rib), I would suggest you pay attention to that next time during Didar. And ask, ask someone who has in-depth knowledge of Didars. There are occasions (very seldom) when instead of left arm the Right arm is up. And to further this, in public events when even a single soul is present that seeks his Didar Imam recognizes and the tell-tell sign is the Left arm (hand) position.
If someone knows the meaning of this you could share with others. I know what it is but it is very difficult to explain, it is something that you just know form inside but I am not sure how to explain.
You are right. I noticed this at the East African deedars and was questioning myself as to what it could mean. Perhaps someone can do some research and tell us about this? This could very well be something that has carried ever since the time of Hazrat Ali and would be very interesting/important to know.

Anyone with information, please share.

Posts: 666
Joined: Mon May 23, 2005 12:02 pm
Location: Glendale, California - USA

Religious, devotional poetry

Post by alisa »

Golden Jubilee

Golden Jubilee Aae hey Imam-e-Zaman ki
Yeh Nishani Hey Hamarey Iman ki

Ismaili, Bacha Bacha Imam ka Matwala Hey
Her Momin ke mooh(n) per Dekho Keisa Oojala Hey

Hazar Imam zinda bad, Hazar Imam zinda-bad
Shah karim zinda bad, Shah Karim zinda-bad

Imam Humei(n) Nikal Laya Hey(n) Andhere sei Oojaley mei(n)
Aaj sub Ismaili Khana Khatei(n) Hei(n) Chandi ke Piyale Mei(n)

Hum Kyoon na ho(n) Shedai apne Imam kay
Diya Hay oosne sub-kutch Humei(n) apne naam sey

Hazar Imam zinda bad, Hazar Imam zinda bad
Shah Karim zinda bad, Shah Karim Zinda bad

Yeh Panj-tan Pak, Mohammed Aur Ali Ka Ladla Hey
Saath he Bi Bi Fatima Kay Jiger ka Tuk(d)ra Hey

Yeh Karim, Quran Ka Ameen, Islam Ka Rakhwala Hey
Aaj Dekho Imam ke Naam Sey, Islam Ka Bol Bala Hey

Hazar Imam zinda bad, Hazar Imam zinda bad
Shah Karim zinda bad, Shah Karim zinda bad

Aaj Sara Jahan Hidayat Le-ta Hei Imam-e-Zaman Sey
Dekho Sachai Ka bol Bala Hei Mowla key naam Sey

Ismaili Abad Hei(n) Jahan Mei(n) Imam-e-Zaman ke Firman Sey
Imam ger Kahe ga Humei(n) to jaan bhe de-dey(n)gey, Iman sey.

Hazar Imam zinda Bad, Hazar Imam Zinda Bad.
Shah Karim zinda bad, Shah Karim, zinda bad

Amir Samji

Mowla , I love you.

Mowla I miss you day, and night
Whether, it is cloudy, or bright
You are only hope, in my life
As, you are my guiding light

Whether I am awaken, or sleep
Whether It is morning, or night
You are always in my sight
As you are there me to guide

You are my spiritual beauty, and charm
Go, as deep as you can, there’s no harm
Read this message, in the book of Koran
Try yourself, to feel the spiritual charm!

As you being master of universe
I come to you to quench my thirst
No body knows this spiritual thrust
I always remain calm, no out burst

I see spiritual sparkle in your eyes
When I think of you, feel very wise!!
From you I got a gift of beautiful life
Mowla, I love you, you are so nice!

Amir Samji
Posts: 6829
Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2003 10:37 am

Post by Admin »


Joined: 23 May 2005
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Posted in the wong section - moved by Admin to this section
31 May 2005 06:44 am Post subject: Golden Jubilee of Hazar Imam


Amir Samji here, I have just composed a poem re forthcoming 'Golden Jubilee of Hazar Imam'. Just have look at it;

Hazar Imam’s Golden Jubilee

To celebrate golden Jubilee of yours
Is nothing but a blessing of Yours
For this event, thank you oh! my lord
Bow my head to thank thee, on the spot

Sixty years of Imamat had passed, just like that
See what Imam has done to put us on top place
Have all those golden events in my memory fresh
You are from God, and I place you on God’s place

I imagine how glorious would be, time to come
History will remember you as living God in sum
You are Icon of peace, and sign of pluralism
Where ever you go, you are always welcome

I call your name day, and night to be blessed
Know one day, my misfortune, will be replaced
Don't worry, being Imam, am with you, just relax
You will get, always you want but with intellect

See how great he is, embrace him with grace
Will feel, feeling of spirituality to feel fresh
Come closer to divine light to be one of that
Will see peace in you, you are at better place

In your absence I love you know, nothing else!
Ya Ali Bapa, dieing to see you, please come back
Always, in my heart, and thoughts, and on top place
Want to be blessed with your blessing just to relax

Amir Samji
Posts: 25716
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2003 3:01 pm

Post by kmaherali »

alisa wrote:Sixty years of Imamat had passed, just like that
Why sixty?
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Hazar Imam's Golden Jubilee

Post by alisa »

Amir Samji here. This poem of mine prepared well in advance of forthcoming Golden Jubilee of Hazar Imam. As time goes by, try to imporve more and more to make it unique one.

Please bear with me as I will be kept editing as and when inspirational thoughts come to my mind.

Hazar Imam’s Golden Jubilee

To celebrate golden Jubilee of yours
Is nothing but a blessing of Yours
For this event, thank you oh! my lord
Bow my head to thank thee, on the spot

Fifty years of Imamat had passed, just like that
See what Imam has done to put us on top place
Have all those golden events in my memory fresh
You are from God, and I place you on God’s place

I imagine how glorious would be, time to come
History will remember you as living God in sum
You are Icon of peace, and sign of pluralism
Where ever you go, you are always welcome

I call your name day, and night to be blessed
Know one day, my misfortune, will be replaced
Don't worry, being Imam, am with you, just relax
Will get always what you want but with intellect

See how great he is, embrace him with grace
Will feel, feelings of spirituality to feel fresh
Come closer to divine beauty to be one of that
Will see peace in you, you are upper in space!

In your absence I love you, know nothing else!
Ya Ali Bapa, dieing to see you, please come back
Always in my heart, and thoughts, you have top place
Want to be blessed with your blessing, just to relax!

Amir Samji

Misfortune will be replaced = will rise spiritually
Upper in space = Spiritually upper in space
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The origins of Salwaat during Deedar

Post by unnalhaq »

Does any one know when the Salwaat during the Deedar was started during the 48th Imam's time? The following story someone may need to authenticate or correct. As you read this you may want to check with your elders on this story, probably someone in their mid to late 80s who may have been there.
I have heard that a magician in India or visiting India in British colonial times was performing at an event that an Ismaili had asked the magician to make the Imam appear. And magician agreed to make the Imam (48th) appear the following day right before there eyes. And the following day many were gathered for the Deedar and they did see the imam. This caused someone to ask the Imam the following day that how is it that He had appeared at the magician's will. The Imam replied that He did not appear at the magician's will it was an allusion and next time you recite the salwaat when you see your Imam to see if you are seeing Him not an allusion. Well, that response prompted people to ask the magician to have to the Imam appeared again and again they saw the imam but this time they recited salwaat and the illusion faded right before there eyes.
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Post by alisa »


I'm human with intellect, humanity is my faith
Respect, don't harm anybody, crimes I hate
Do my best, for that God's verdict, I wait
This is the thing we all can do to feel great

Follow any religion in ethics, with no confusion!
Respect all, should be the basic of all religions
Spread love, & peace, hatred don't pay attention!
We all can do that, there should be no exception!

Multi-religion society we live in, to live together!
Welcome, all with open arms, to live like brothers!!
Help, as our forefathers did, when we were scattered
Shower love, and affection, so that we can live better

Protect, what we've achieved, struggle of generations!
To build modern society, it took, centuries duration!!
Living in civilized world, no way, can live in alienation
Have soft, & silky feelings, adopt policy of admiration

All are equal, no one has superiority over others!
Think, what should we do, to live like brothers?!!
By virtue of that, we learn to live in all weathers!
Hope, one day! we all meet at one place together!

Amir Samji

Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji
Posts: 666
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Location: Glendale, California - USA


Post by alisa »


Hundreds died, and thousands displaced
This is the time to help, and not to relax
Is a natural calamity hope, help you elect
They're in need of help, do not be late!!

They're living under open sky, has no shelter
Go, and help, as these are months of winter
Think, how to help someone, being a thinker
Help anyway you like, but do not whisper!

This calamity is beyond the limit of NGOs
They will need more, and more as time goes
Help in part, piece by piece it becomes whole
Have to walk toward destiny, to achieve goals

Wait not for others to move, take step, be bold
Give silver, or bronze if others are donating gold
Is the time to move, and not for rock 'n' roll
May be, your first step, prove a mine of gold!

Being human have to compassionate, & console
Nothing is going to go with us except our soul
Then why we are sitting on wealth, let it roll!
Purpose of being here, is sympathy as a whole!

Amir Samji

Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji
Posts: 666
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Location: Glendale, California - USA


Post by alisa »


Padhramni, padhramni, padhramni
Jovo aavi Shah Karim nee padhramni

Mubarak, survey Ismailio ney padhramni
Mubarak, survey Momino ney padhramni

Aavo raas aney garba thee kariye(n) oojvani
Karn Mowla Karim ney thaee chey padhramni

Padkhramni, padhramni, padhramni
Jovo Aavi Shah Karim ney padhramni

Ghushyali nee naveed laavi chey padhramni
Aavo survey mar(d)iney oojviye(n) padhramni

Deedar nee khushi chey aapna matey sukhmani
Mowla aey oomid puri, teny khushi chey ghani

Padhramni, padhramni, padhramni
Jovo aavi Shah Karim nee padhramni

Aa jovo maari pasey aavi ney bethey mari behn pani
Mowlani vato karwaney lagi, mithi, mithi ney namni

Amey Jamat Khane jata rahiya aney dua karta rahiya
Ginan bolta rahiya, aney farmano sa(n)bher(d)ta rahiya

Padhramni, padhramni, padhramni
Jovo aavi Shah Karim nee padhramni

Ramwama aeva magan thaya, ramta rahiya, gata rahiya
Avama amaru dhiyan na rahiyu ney Mowla padhariya

Mowla nee aapna ooper rehmat ghani
Karn tey chey baney-duniyano Dhani

Padhramni, padhramni, padhramni
Jovo aavi Shah Karim ni padhramni

Mubarak survey Ismailio ney padhramni
Mubarak survey Momino ney padhramni

Padhramni, padhramni, padhramni
Jovo aavi Shah Karim ni padhramni

Amir Samji
Posts: 666
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Location: Glendale, California - USA


Post by alisa »


Echo of your deeds, heard around you
You try to hide, but it surrounds you
Replica of it resurrect, & fall on you
Is nothing else, result of deeds of you

Cultivate good harvest, to see the light!
That can be, cause of spiritual delight
It will bounce back to reflect as lights,
Peace you find, on peak of all heights!

This is natural repercussion of what you did
As you didn't fall prey, and all good you did
Always do good, and think of, plight of others
As your mother did, when you were in feathers!

If you follow that, will have no regrets!
You learned to live, and know the secret!
God bless you, to help others, you are desperate
You thanked God, and your past, much regret!!

Have no ill-feelings, come forward to help!!
Think, come out with solution, don't be late
God is there to guide you, what is to select?
Will get immense blessings of God, just relax!

Amir Samji

Copyright ©2005 Amir Ali Samji
Last edited by alisa on Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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