I guess its not suitable with you to debate on this, because a person who doesn't believe in Ginans and insulting Pirs and Ginans, can never understand meanings in Great Great Great Great Ginans.Let me quote a Farsi proverb for you.
You wrote," Pir worshiped 4.4 million years then Imam listen to his request."
By the way pir's age was almost 120 years. In your other statement, according to Aradh Granth," Imam created noor i piratan separately trillion years ago and pir worshiped millions of years to see noor". These type of statements are common in Hindu literature and mythology and can be found hundreds years back in Muslim sufi literature also. How will you explain such statements to new generation. How will you prove scientifically?
Pir Sadruddin introduced names of pirs in old Du'a. Can you tell me what was the number of pirs mentioned in first old Du'a and in which century names of other pirs were induced in Du'a, because for few centuries after Pir Sadruddin the jamait kept reciting the names given by pir saheb.
You wrote," SATPANTH WAS IN ANIMALS", What a great idea. You mean all animals, elephants, cows, horses, pigs, rats, cats, camels, so on, there are thousands of types, were all satpanthi Ismailis!!! In one of your post you mentioned, you are not a RE teacher, thanks Lord you are not.
You wrote, Imam removed the names of pirs from Du'a because of persons like me. I am scratching my head; was I born at that time.
You predict that Imam will remove the names of Imams from Du'a in future.
103, Noor i Imamt is same, names dose not make any difference. Names are good for references and historical facts.
Till 1957 we are reciting name of all Pirs in Dua, number of Pirs were 50 we recites in old dua, ( excluding Imam shah karim ).
I said when there was only animals on the earth and no humans, at that time Imamat was in Animals, read Dasavatar, oh sorry I know you will definitely not read this. And I know you always tWist others quote, its good if you quote right words.
I think you have some serious problem in understanding things I said peoples like you , not you its simple as that. I know you were not born as a mazhar in that era, but in every era there are munafiqs like you.
I know name doesn't matter beacuse NOOR E IMAMAT is one, beacuse NOOR OF IMAM IS ALLAH INDEED, AND ALLAH IS ALWAYS ONE.