To Admin -
Thanks for this reference. It's certainly appreciated. This is actually taken from the
"A Brief History of Ismailism" by A Aziz. I quoted something here, which is in contradiction according to my understanding from what has been explain by Ismaili Theosophers of Fatimid period [Most of my understanding is from that era, btw].
I want to make 2 points by the following quote. The first point is underlined and according to the author "Allah" and "Imam" are distinguished as two entities. The second point which is in contradiction is the concept of Asas and Natiq.
The Ima'm is the Supreme Authority appointed directly by Allah. He is the asa's (foundation, cause, root) and Pi'r is the na'tiq (conversant, conversationist, messenger).
- Natiqs are the six great Natiqs (Major Prophets with revelations), at their time [Cycle or Dawr], and the Imams at their Time and cycle. Who brings to mankind the Divine message.
- Asas are the Awsia [Wasi singular] or Legatees of the Natiq's at the times of Six major prophet and Hujjats of the Imam at the time of each Imam are Asas.
So, this [concept of Natiq and Asas] are complete opposite of what I understood from Fatimid period. I am not sure if anyone's interested in this topic and wants to clarify. Please feel free. I will appreciate your input and knowledge. Thanks.
The other point that I wanted to clarify is the idea or understanding of
"Prophet Muhammad being the first Pir"
In the following section the author alludes a reference from KIM, in regards to nine cycle, which has no relevance into Muhammad being/appointed as Pir. The paragraph right after the excerpt from KIM is author's opinion and understanding and conviction. So, if this is the source that is backing up the idea of The Prophet being as Pir, then how credible is the understanding of the author?
The world has already passed nine cycles of 432,000 years each and is now passing through its tenth, and the last, cycle starting from six thousand years before the time of the Holy
_______________________ 92. KIM vol-I, p. 234 93. HQ ch. 2 v. 30
Prophet of Isla'm. Naboowat, the Prophethood, ended with him. He was the last Nabi.
He was the first and the greatest teacher of the Religion of God, Isla'm. Sufi's consider him to be the mu'rshidil awwal, the first teacher or the first master.