Is there any farman about the selection of field recently

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Is there any farman about the selection of field recently

Post by Aly_shallwani »

Any o­ne knows any recent farman o­n the selection of the field like computer engineer ,accountancy or any other field because when ever Hazir imam emphasize o­n any field our ismailies has always keep these farameens in their minds not o­nly ismailies but also the memon sects and they are also been benifited by these farameens.
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Farmans on Careers

Post by kmaherali »

MHI gave extensive guidance on careers during his Silver Jubilee mulaqats with the students. You may want to approach Mukhi/Kamadia sahebs or ITREBS for them. Alternatively these farmans can be found in the red book titled: "Kalam-e-Imam-e-Zaman", which is NOT published by our institutions.
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Post by star_munir »

Its cover is blue
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Post by kmaherali »

star_munir wrote:Its cover is blue
There are three volumes. Volume 1 is RED, volume 2 is BLUE and volume 3 is GREEN.
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Careers and Farmans

Post by kmaherali »


From your other post, I gather that you live in Pakistan. In that case MHI had given extensive guidance during his mulaqats with the Jamats in 2000. In particular he talked about knowledge and its significance in Islam. You should be able to obtain them from your Mukhi or ITREB.
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Post by kenshin »


can any1 pls enlist some of the fields imam has recently being in favor of for ismaili students to pursue careers in and some which he has asked ismailis to avoid.

Also i heard one of the farmans of Mowlana Hazar Imam that was dated to 1983 in which he clearly said to avoid field of computers and electronics.i dont understand does this thing apply even today after so much technology boom.of course Mowla cant be wrong but does his farman of 83 that was 21 years back even applies today?

pls help me in this regard.yam
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Post by kmaherali »

kenshin wrote:yam

Also i heard one of the farmans of Mowlana Hazar Imam that was dated to 1983 in which he clearly said to avoid field of computers and electronics.i dont understand does this thing apply even today after so much technology boom.of course Mowla cant be wrong but does his farman of 83 that was 21 years back even applies today?

pls help me in this regard.yam

I would like to know the details of this particular farman, i.e. where and when. To my knowledge during all his Silver Jubilee Mulaqats ( 1982-83) to students, MHI stressed the importance of pursuing technological fields if they had a choice. You may want to refer to the red farman book "Kalame- e - Zaman". I will just quote one to prove my point.
"there will be a substantial transformation of life in the industrialised world, and this will result in a premium on technological careers , technological knowledge and this is something which I think My student Jamat shoul keep in their minds." ( Edmonton, April 24 1983).
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Specialized fields

Post by yaaaahoooo »

I know of a firman as recent as something like 1995 where MHI has guided for those who wud like to go in for MBA programmes that doing general wud b of no gr8 shud go for more specialized MBA's such as human resources or that sort...this farman was in Pakistan.....I m trying to loacte it and can pass on a copy next week if u want

However I understand from the 1992 farmans he did in India that it was not what field u r in.......u can be a farmer or a doctor but u must excel in that particular field ...keep upgrading yourself and be the best avilable doctor or farmer at any given time..

and yes i remmmeber one more farman which said that dont choose a field which is saturated and what is preferred by many....go for specialized fields......will get more details in the coming week........

bye YAM
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Post by _thaillestlunatic_ »

YAM all,

I would like to quote this farman from Students Mulaqat in 1987 Pakistan (yahoo I think this is the farman u were talking about)

which Imam says

"A Masters in Business Administration is a very fine degree to hold, but ultimately it is the way you use that knowledge which is going to be important. Are you going to be specialized in Business Management in generic terms or are you going to be specialized in more sophisticated fields such as health management, such as education management, such as human resources management. What I am trying to indicate you this morning, is that while an MBA looks good on paper, it does nothing for you in your careers unless you are able to apply it to specialized fields where there is demand for specialized knowledge"

Reflect upon this.
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Post by yaaaahoooo »

_thaillestlunatic_ wrote:YAM all,

I would like to quote this farman from Students Mulaqat in 1987 Pakistan (yahoo I think this is the farman u were talking about)

which Imam says

"A Masters in Business Administration is a very fine degree to hold, but ultimately it is the way you use that knowledge which is going to be important. Are you going to be specialized in Business Management in generic terms or are you going to be specialized in more sophisticated fields such as health management, such as education management, such as human resources management. What I am trying to indicate you this morning, is that while an MBA looks good on paper, it does nothing for you in your careers unless you are able to apply it to specialized fields where there is demand for specialized knowledge"

Reflect upon this.

YES this was it ..............thanks ..........actually in the same paragragh he mentions the following too which is important to note too........

"The second point I would make to you is that the traditional academic subjects are no longer exclusively the ones which offer a future in pakistan....And it is the non traditional subjects that i think you should be considering ..................And it is in these ramifications of the main subjects that I believe u will find the greatest need and u wwill find the greatest potential for your professional development in the years ahead.The same for accounting ,the same for Law,the same for medicine.More and more it will be neccesary to look to the ramifications of these theme subjects and pick areas of specialization ..""
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