
Discussion on ginan meanings, history etc..
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Post by faisall667 »

In the Ginans the peers are refered to as Gur, but I always thought Gur meant Imam--the master. Can someone explain this?

Faisal :?
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Gur Nar

Post by kmaherali »

Guru literally means "dispeller of darkness" derived from gu(darkness) and ru (that which dispels) and hence it generally means a spiritual teacher who dispels the darkness of ignorance and shows the right path. In our tradition the Pir teaches or instructs us about faith and guides us towards the recognition of the Imam and hence is called Guru. The Nar on the other hand is the Master who sustains and protects i.e. is the Vishnu.

These days we refer to MHI as Gur Nar or Shah Pir because the roles of the Pir and the Nar are combined in one person
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