I am looking for Ginan on Education
Ginan on Education
The word Ginan is derived from the sanskrit word 'gnan' which means knowledge and wisdom. Hence reciting and studying Ginans is educating oneself.
I don't know of any Ginan which is specifically related to education but generally Ginans are replete with advices about seeking knowledge and wisdom from the True Guide and living our lives based on it. For example there are many verses in Kalame Mowla on the subject of knowledge which can be found at:
Below are verses from Ginan Ham Dil Khalak Alah sohi vasaji.....
ejee moman sohee jo sab maram-j jaanne,
elam rahaasar chalannaa......................ebhee allah.....9
The true believer is he who knows all the (spiritual) mysteries and follows the
path of knowledge(and understanding)...He is indeed the Lord.
ejee ghyaan dhiyaan maa(n)he sarve sudh paai,
khoj khoj kar milanaa........................ebhee allah....10
All understanding is gained through knowledge and remembrance.
By constant search one can attain (the real purpose of your life - reunion
with your Creator)............He is indeed the Lord.
I don't know of any Ginan which is specifically related to education but generally Ginans are replete with advices about seeking knowledge and wisdom from the True Guide and living our lives based on it. For example there are many verses in Kalame Mowla on the subject of knowledge which can be found at:
Below are verses from Ginan Ham Dil Khalak Alah sohi vasaji.....
ejee moman sohee jo sab maram-j jaanne,
elam rahaasar chalannaa......................ebhee allah.....9
The true believer is he who knows all the (spiritual) mysteries and follows the
path of knowledge(and understanding)...He is indeed the Lord.
ejee ghyaan dhiyaan maa(n)he sarve sudh paai,
khoj khoj kar milanaa........................ebhee allah....10
All understanding is gained through knowledge and remembrance.
By constant search one can attain (the real purpose of your life - reunion
with your Creator)............He is indeed the Lord.