Ya Ali Madad Mukhi Saheb; Kamadiani Maa; and All others
This poem; I wrote; because it is; happening with me. But why it is happening with me; have no clue of it. Moreover I don't know what it is and why it is. May be; it is the reason of aging process; or may be reason of something else; that I don't know. Is anyone has; any clue of it or anyone can advise me; why it is happening; and for what reason?!
Thank you for your help
Can't understand why it comes out of my mind without any intention
I see; there is something in; behind my mind
Which completely; keeps me ignorant; and blind
Then sometime; suddenly pops up being unkind
Don't know; what to call it; and to whom to malign
I think; it is unique in me; anywhere else I can't find
Don't know it is anything to do with weakness of mind
I am not an expert; answer only an Neurologist can find
It is surprise me; and sometime put me at risk to malign
In contemplation; but any answer; and clue I can't find
How; and when it has been developed; with what design
But when it puts me in awkward position; myself malign
Now I am thinking to take an medical advice; reason to find
But I am amazed at; differently functioning of my mind
I know with the aging process memory weakness I find
Sometime; while talking suddenly something else intertwine
That is really a question of a million dollar; answer to find
But I don't know; is a happening of totally different kind
Sometime; religiously in contemplation; answer to find
As I find no answer; I get confused; think I am blind
Since; no clue insight; incline to God; an answer to find