Ya Ali Madad Mukhi Saheb; Kamadiani Maa; and All Others
Though; I do not touch the theme yet; however this is the one of the route to swim towards Ocean of destiny. It is very deep rooted to go through. If you are really sincere in it; take you there; where you were emanated from. The way I wrote; it looks very simple; but no; it is not. Indeed it needs passions; and ocean of endurance to start with smoothly. Moreover; in your way you will have many obstacles; to tackle with. It is a slow; and difficult process but those who are straight forward; will not have to worry. They can remove those difficulties from their way; like a pebble on a street. This depends on you; how clear; or unclear; you are in your approach; and vision.
In order to move faster with an angel's speed; you have to be very clear in your vision without a slightest doubt in it.
Then you have to check in your mind; and heart; how many sins you committed; and with what degree of severity. Then you have to ask for its forgiveness. And when you will sit in meditation; you will have a lot of disturbances. It will keep disturbing you; and keep you reminding of your wrong doings in past; and even you remember it. In the presence of unforgivable sins; it will be difficult to focus; and concentration on; with peace of mind.
The day disturbances start to reduce; and you will see that you are in a better position to concentrate; and focus on; will have lengthy process of meditation with peace of mind. This is the first phase or stage you are in.
But there are still a lot to achieve; and there are a lot to disturb you. But you have to keep continue; and keep asking for forgiveness, this is a continuous cycle; you have to keep repeating; without which; you can't move ahead a single step forward towards divinity.
There are still a lot to tell you; but leave it on for next session to inspire.
Men are asleep; they will awake; when they die
My Guru says; "Men are asleep; they will awake; when they die!
But; we being materialistic; are totally ignorant of this fact; I cry
Instantly; we think; even we can't imagine of; how can it be a fact
So how to find out what he has been saying; is absolutely correct
To do that you have to be a religious person with firm in faith
You must know religion; you follow; make you strong in faith
Moreover; have to be an ethical person; when hear lies must agitate
Being religious; have to be a kind; and a humble person to relate
When you possess; qualities of a religious person with firm faith
Inclines you to balance out your life; so you come out of an average
When you reach this level; instinct of insight inspires you to meditate
And when you are regular in it; guides you to eradicate your mistakes
It is a bit slow process but will give you ocean of endurance to relate
As times goes by; will have blurry image but will be clearing with grace
As it will be getting clearer; and clearer; will become serene with that
Now; you are anxious; wants to get in more often than you used to get
Now you become so regular in your practice; you don't want to brake
Without any intention; you started devoting more time to establish fact
And others are recognizing you as pious man; even didn't tell them that
Now you become a spiritual; you know about your origin; want it to get
The reality of reality is; that we must learn about our religion; and devote more time
as our Imam says. Otherwise; by just talking superfluously; anything you will not
get. The topic of poem is very philosophical and I can say even beyond horizon philosophy
to understand. Really it is difficult but for human being with intellect; nothing is impossible
to get.
Now from here on we can start searching; who we are; where we emanated from; what is the purpose of it; and why Allah has sent us down? There are answers of all of these questions; but need to practice and understand our religion from grass root level.