I don't understand this Please Help!!

Discussion on ginan meanings, history etc..
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I don't understand this Please Help!!

Post by faisall667 »

ejee aavaa pa(n)j bhu vas karee,

chaare jug ni kalaa gur nee joelaa;

karoddee tetrees devataa naa melaa maa(n)he hoelaa...tam su(n)....3

By thus subduing the five passions, the Guide's marvellous power that endures through the four ages is seen, and one enters the company of the thirty-three crores of deities.

What are the five passions?
What are the four ages?
What are the thirty-three crores of dieties? (i have seen crores to many times and i am getting annoyed b/c i don't know what it is)

Thank You
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The 5 Passions - Ginan Ava Gur Nar

Post by kmaherali »

You have raised an interesting question which touches the core values and principles of our tradition.

The five passions refer to:
kaam - lust
krodh - anger
lobh - greed
moh - attraction for the illusory existence and
mad - pride.

The four ages refer to the four time periods as defined in the Ginanic literature as Karta Jug, Treta Jug, Dua pur Jug and Kal Jug. In my opinion, when the Pir mentions about the power that endures through the four ages, it is a poetic way of saying that it endures for ever. I crore is 10 million. Our Pirs have told us that 33 crores souls achieved salvation during the cycle of the four ages (yugas).

The verse of the Ginan tells us that if a person is successful in overcoming the five passions which comprise the lower self (nafs-e-amaaraa) through spiritual enlightenment mentioned in the previous verses of the same Ginan, he/she achieves the power of the Guide which endures for ever. In other words he elevates himself to the status and power of the Pir and becomes immortal. By being liberated thus, he joins the company of the 33 crores of the saved ones and hence is never alone and is protected and guided by them as well.

This echoes the prophetic hadith: "The greatest war (Jihad al asgar) is the war against your own self".

Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah in his memoirs refers to this power that an individual achieves through spiritual enlightenment and this Jihad as :

"If it is possible to bring happiness to one individual, in that individual at least the dark and evil impulses may be conquered. And may not the power of good in the individual in the end prevail against the power of evil in the many?"
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