Who was kwaja Garib Nawaj? was he related to our pir?

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Who was kwaja Garib Nawaj? was he related to our pir?

Post by agakhani »

I received a flyer asking the donation for Kwaja Moinuddin Chisty ( Garib Nawaj) usher in Ajmer Sharif in India. according the flyer Khwaja Moinuddin Chisty was born 797 years ago and there is a Dargah in Ajmer Sharif since his death.
My question was he related to our any pirs?
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Re: Who was kwaja Garib Nawaj? was he related to our pir?

Post by TheMaw »


His claimed lineage may not be accurate, but they say his paternal ancestor was Musa al-Kazim, the 12er Imam.
Posts: 54
Joined: Sun Sep 17, 2006 7:18 pm

Post by Saima »

He is the head of the Chisti sect of Sufism. They go to his Durga and pray to him. They regard him as a medium between them and Allah. If you watch the Indian movie Jodha Akbar, Akbar (Rithik Roshan) is from the Chisti sect and goes to the Durga to pray.
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