Ya Ali Madad to you All
I know every Ismaili would have enjoyed Golden Jubilee of Imam-e-Zaman. I am amazed and question is; how he has been doing this enormous and gignatic work all alone. I have no clue whatsoever it is! The number of miles he travels; also unimaginable; and a common man can not do it! Spiritually; there are more to ask; but I want you to realize yourselves to feel feelings of it.
Imam - The divine pillar of power
Not known to; but he is master of all
He holds you upright; before you fall
To protect you; he built a virtual wall
Just think of him; will see him in all
He is divine pillar of power; strongest of all
Without his presence things will shake & fall
Everything moves on his axis; he is axis of all
He is in possession of divine power to direct all
The way I mentioned him; looks hypothetical call
To see who is he; you have to scroll in mental ball
Data will start flowing on your mental screen wall
Analyze it in spiritual sense to receive a divine call
Spiritual knowledge has to analyze in spiritual domain
Try to see in optical fiber; data will not reflect in domain
It needs ethical discipline to open doors of spiritual domain
Otherwise; you will have no clue; why you were in domain!
We take it very simple; but it takes its own time in college
Sometime takes months; and sometime years to acknowledge
It is the divine myth of mythology; cosmic ocean in knowledge
Believe in him as He guides us on right path with divine knowledge
Amir Samji