Quranic Refrences Please Reply

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Quranic Refrences Please Reply

Post by awais_786 »

1) As we are all aware that during the period of Ghadeer-e-khum, the prophet (PBU) annouced that whos lord i am, ali is his lord - man quntam mowla hu ali un mowla . sorri if i paraphrased dat incorrectly .. i was jus curious if ny1 cud give me the surah and aya number for that as i have to show it to a non ismaili friend of mine.. as well

2) A local speaker was in our khane in toronto recently, he explained that the prophet (PBU) said that without the guidance of a living imam the world would not be stable so to say he mentioned the surah and ayah number buh again im in need fo a clarifciation of the surah and aya number please and thank you... and one last time..

3) one las thing sori, in the quran the word namaz is not recited it is in the form of salaat (dua) nd mentions the prayer times of 3 per day, please tel me the surah and aya fo taht again. as yyu are probably aware i am just explaining to a non-ismaili the ismaili belief and history so she may understand it a bit more, i am a 17 year old student please if u can get back to me or email me at [email protected] thank you soo much
and Yam :)
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Re: Quranic Refrences Please Reply

Post by kmaherali »

awais_786 wrote:1) As we are all aware that during the period of Ghadeer-e-khum, the prophet (PBU) annouced that whos lord i am, ali is his lord - man quntam mowla hu ali un mowla . sorri if i paraphrased dat incorrectly .. i was jus curious if ny1 cud give me the surah and aya number for that as i have to show it to a non ismaili friend of mine.. as well
You will get the information in this forun at:
Doctrines --> Ghadir-e-Khumm
awais_786 wrote: 2) A local speaker was in our khane in toronto recently, he explained that the prophet (PBU) said that without the guidance of a living imam the world would not be stable so to say he mentioned the surah and ayah number buh again im in need fo a clarifciation of the surah and aya number please and thank you... and one last time..
You will get the information in this forum at:
Doctrines --> Significance of Yaa Ali Madad
awais_786 wrote: 3) one las thing sori, in the quran the word namaz is not recited it is in the form of salaat (dua) nd mentions the prayer times of 3 per day, please tel me the surah and aya fo taht again. as yyu are probably aware i am just explaining to a non-ismaili the ismaili belief and history so she may understand it a bit more, i am a 17 year old student please if u can get back to me or email me at [email protected] thank you soo much
and Yam :)
You will get the required background info at:
Customs and Traditions --> Praying 3x as opposed to 5x
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