Satan & GOD & Destiny

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Satan & GOD & Destiny

Post by st0necol »

I apologize if this is not the right section.


I am confused a bit. When Satan refused to bow down to Humans as he disobeyed GOD so did GOD know that he will be doing that ? before creating human beings or GOD designed or created him the way that one day Satan will dis-obey me & hence I'll challenge him so that it'll test my true momins? Was it because he wanted to see who's a true momin and a bad momin? But still GOD knows na that this guy will become a true momin...& this will bad momin....n even if the person wishes to change with the power of his/her free will....this thing also GOD knows...then why Day of Judgement?
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Post by kmaherali »

Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah says in the Memoirs:

"In Islam the Faithful believe in Divine justice and are convinced that the solution of the great problem of predestination and free will is to be found in the compromise that God knows what man is going to do, but that man is free to do it or not."

In my opinion the notion of judgement is contained in the statement: "God knows what man is going to do." Since man is free to do it or not, he will find punishment of unhappiness in not following the will of God. There is no more judgement anywhere else.
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