Decent Home

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Decent Home

Post by YasmeenHuda »


Mawlana Hazar Imam, in a speech said:

"the visual, physical and emotional impact of a decent home can light the spirit of human endeavour. A proper home can provide the bridge across that terrible gulf between utter poverty and the possibility of a better future."

I need to know the date and venue of this speech. Also, please mention the weblink, if this speech is available on There is another speech of MHI, in which he quoted this text as follows:

"As I said at the inauguration ceremony five years ago, the visual, physical and emotional impact of a decent home can light the spirit of human endeavour. A proper home can provide the bridge across that terrible gulf between utter poverty and the possibility of a better future."

But I could not find the actual speech of MHI five years prior to the above speech.
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