Imams and the Quran

Discussion on doctrinal issues
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Imams and the Quran

Post by clickscape »

Obviously, there is no one like God.

What I have never understood is why there is so much ambiguity in the Quran. There are verses in the Quran that can be interpreted in so many different ways.

That's why we have Shia and Sunni.

If you listen to a Sunni Muslim talk about the hadith, he says that Muhammed left two things behind, the Quran and his Sunna, while a Shia Muslim says Muhammed left behind the Quran and his family.

Wouldn't it have been so much simpler if the the Quran said follow Ali after the Prophets death.
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Joined: Mon Nov 03, 2003 3:53 am

Post by skaswani »


u mention 2 points,

1) that Sunni aqeda is that Prophet pbuh had left 2 weighted things, a)Quran & b) Sunna

while shia says

a) quran & b) ahal bait

let me qoute u a hadith from MUSLIM SHAREEF ... l#031.5920

Prophet pbuh mention Quran & Ahale Bait, not Sunna

same in this hadith ... l#031.5923

sunni alims lie or wrongly project the hadith from sub strandard hadith books, just to miss lead simple muslims.

but for Sunnis Bukhari & Muslims have the Hightest Rank after Quran

s0, this also cover that Imamat of Ali a.s

Imamat is a wast issue & if u see Prophet pbuh life... he also told people whom you have to follow after me..
